1. absolute pose computation with known rotation
2. two P3P-algorithms (Kneip, Gao)
3. generalized P3P
4. the EPnP algorithm by Lepetit and Fua
5. an extension of the EPnP algorithm to the non-central case (Kneip)
6. the generalized absolute pose solver presented at ICRA 2013 (Kneip)
7. non-linear optimization over n correspondences (both central and non-central)
8. the UPnP algorithm presented at ECCV 2014 (both central and non-central, and minimal and non-minimal)
1. 2-point algorithm for computing the translation with known relative rotation
2. 2-point algorithm for deriving the rotation in a pure-rotation situation
3. n-point algorithm for deriving the rotation in a pure-rotation situation
4. 5-point algorithm by Stewenius
5. 5-point algorithm by Nister
6. 5-point algorithm to solve for rotations directly (by Kneip)
7. 7-point algorithm
8. 8-point algorithm by Longuet-Higgins
9. 6-point algorithm by Henrik Stewenius for generalized relative pose
10. 17-point algorithm by Hongdong Li
11. non-linear optimization over n correspondences (both central and non-central)
11. relative rotation as an iterative eigenproblem (by Kneip)
12. generalized reltive rotation for multi-camera systems as an iterative eigenproblem (by Kneip)
Generic Sturm-sequence implementation for numerical root-finding
Algebraic root finding
Cayley rotations
Unit/Benchmarking tests for all algorithms
Matlab interface
Python interface