⭐ A curated list of awesome Imba frameworks, libraries, software and resources
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- Formidable - Imba Framework for Rapid API Development.
- Imba Shell (⭐13) - Interactive debugger and REPL for Imba.
- Imba Inertia Adapter (⭐9) - Imba Inertia adapter.
- Ping CRM (⭐16) - CRUD app with login, acccount, organizations and contacts management. Built with Inertia, Edgedb and Imba
- Start Imba (⭐22) - Tool to bootstrap an Imba protect that was inspired by Create React App and Vue CLI.
- Simple Todo (⭐2) - view online - More basic todo list app.
- ROT-N (⭐0) - view online - ROT-N app.
- Weather App (⭐3) - view online - Weather app.
- Top Down Shooter (⭐9) - view online - 2D zombie shooter game.
- Imba Router (⭐20) - Experimental router for Imba.
- JSON pretty printer (⭐1) - view online - JSON prettier.
- Monoalphabetic Cipher Decoder (⭐0) - view online - Decoder for monoalphabetic cipher.
- RegExp Explorer (⭐1) - view online - Regex tool.
- Fifteen Puzzle (⭐3) - view online - Fifteen puzzle.
- Game of Life (⭐5) - view online - Game of life.
- Quote Machine (⭐1) - view online - App that generates random quotes.
- Hello World Imba (⭐56) - Official Imba "Hello World" example. Also you can use it as GitHub template.
- Hello World Imba Tutorial (⭐0) - This is a detailed tutorial documenting the steps taken to build the "Hello World" app with Node.js, Imba and Webpack.
- Why is Imba so fast? - Learn why Imba is fast, how it works and then play around with it.
- Quick introduction to Imba Router - Learn how imba-router works in Imba.
- Creating a todo-list app in Imba - Learn how to create an app faster and easier with Imba.
- html2imba (⭐5) - view online - A tool to convert HTML to Imba tag source.
- Imba Realworld App (⭐17) - view online - Project was created to demonstrate a fully fledged fullstack application that adheres to the RealWorld (⭐70k) spec and API.
- Imba HackerNews Clone (⭐13) - Demonstration of Imba & Capacitor used to build Hacker News clone.
- Parcel Plugin Imba (⭐9) - Parcel Bundler plugin to enable processing of Imba files.
- Material Imba (⭐16) - Material Design components written in Imba.
- 2048 Game (⭐6) - view online - 2048 Game.
- Calculator (⭐1) - view online - Calculator.
- Emoji Memory Game (⭐2) - view online - Memory game.
- Matrix Rain (⭐3) - view online - Cool matrix-like rain animation.
- Snake Game (⭐3) - view online - Snake game.
- Other Todo MVC (⭐1) - view online - TodoMVC implementation following tastejs/todomvc (⭐28k) rules.
- UXA (⭐13) - Experimental framework for Imba.
- Atom (⭐2) - Imba plugin for Atom.
- Sublime Text (⭐15) - Imba plugin for Sublime.
- VSCode (⭐11) - Imba plugin for VSCode.
- An Intro to Imba: the JavaScript-compatible language for lightning fast DOM updates - freeCodeCamp
- New JavaScript-based Web Language Challenges React - ADTMag
- Scrimba - The interactive screencasting platform Scrimba.com is written in Imba, both frontend and backend.
- Iceland Fish Auction Market - A website for the iceland fish market.
- GitSpeak - A project management tool for developers.
- Imba Todo MVC (⭐24) - Imba TodoMVC Example.
- Eyes (⭐3) - view online - A cool interaction website.