This package contains the source and build instructions for my CV. If you just want to access it, use this link.
I advise you to install a Conda-based environment for development with this command line:
$ conda env create -f build.yml
The CV is written in LaTeX using the moderncv package. Furthermore, we also build separate publication lists and a short version. We use pybtex for parsing a BibTeX database which is included with this package and producing special SNSF versions of the CV.
You'll also need to install a modern LaTeX distribution together with biber,
which is used to prepare the bibliography (my publications), for inclusion on
the CV and publication lists. See the file .travis.yml
for concrete details
on how to setup.
To build the project and make it ready to run, do:
$ source activate cv $ make
This command should leave you 3 PDFs containing the produced material.
Building dependencies requires you install conda-build
. Do the following to
$ conda install -n root conda-build anaconda-client
Then, you can build dependencies one by one, in order:
$ vi ./scripts/ #comment/uncomment what to compile $ ./scripts/
To upload all built dependencies (so you don't have to re-build them everytime), do:
$ anaconda login # enter credentials $ anaconda upload <conda-bld>/*-64/{rust,tectonic,pybtex}-*.tar.bz2