- 基础环境
- 开发语言
- 实例练习
- 深度学习
【经典书籍】Deep Learning Book Chinese Translation
- 算法概述
- 在线课程
** 优先推荐吴恩达大神的视频课程,错综复杂的内容讲的深入浅出。其中1是网易免费版,但尚无习题,需要的可直接在链接2注册获取。
2 Deep Learning Specialization Master Deep Learning, and Break into AI【原版附带习题】
- 论文
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition(计算机视觉和模式识别)
- TensorFlow
TF:An open-source software library for Machine Intelligence
- keras
keras:Deep Learning library for TensorFlow and Theano
keras-rl:Deep Reinforcement Learning for Keras
- Caffe
Caffe: a fast open framework for deep learning.
- Deepmind
Github Index(Deepmind官方GitHub)
DNC:A TensorFlow implementation of the Differentiable Neural Computer.
sonnet:TensorFlow-based neural network library
lab:A customisable 3D platform for agent-based AI research
L2L PAPER:Learning to learn by gradient descent by gradient descent
- 导数/微积分
- 深度学习精简版
- 重大政策