Welcome to my personal portfolio website! Here, I showcase my projects and skills using HTML and CSS.
This is a personal portfolio website highlighting my projects and skills. It has been developed using HTML and CSS.
Installation Usage Credits License
To run this website locally, you can follow these steps:
Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/ankitgupta1020/Ankit-Gupta.git Navigate to the project directory: cd your-repo Open the index.html file in your browser
Alternatively, you can simply visit the live website at https://ankitgupta1181.netlify.app/.
Feel free to use this website as a template for your own portfolio. Customize the content, layout, and styling according to your needs.
To add your own projects, simply replace the placeholder images and text in the projects.html file with your own content.
For styling modifications, you can edit the styles.css file. Additionally, you can create a separate CSS file for your custom styles and link it in the HTML file's head section.
This website was created by Ankit Gupta using HTML and CSS. The placeholder images in the projects section should be replaced with your own screenshots or photos.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify the code as you wish.