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Code for Paper “Optimising Self-Organised Volunteer Efforts in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”

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Data and Code for “Optimising Self-Organised Volunteer Efforts in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”

NCE computation: Compute self-organisational intervals on Shenzhen’s data


  1. O_NCE.csv. T_NCE.csv and P_NCE.csv are pre-computed NCEs for Shenzhen and its district using data files “issuer_task_data.csv” and “issuer_user_data” (In the file).
  2. The “task label” column in organizer_task_data.csv represents the task type extracted from task descriptions using LDA. a) Label 1: Transportational Topic tasks; b) Label 2: volunteering topic tasks; c) Label 3: Reopening Topic tasks; d) Label 4: Educational topic tasks; e) Label 5: environmental topic tasks; f) Label 6: Covid-19 topic tasks.
  3. “neigborhood_1.csv” and “neighborhood_2.csv” are data for case studies.

To run:

  1. Run NCE.ipynb to generate an NCE plot with color shaded self-organization intervals

Causality Analysis: Causality analysis on what dynamic factors have caused self-organization events.


  1. causality_data.csv contains three types NCE, internal and external variables (policies impulse and covid-19 daily new cases)
  2. all_diff_data.csv is differencing from causality_data.csv to make sure our time-series data is stationary for causality analysis

To run:

  1. Install tigramite package from
  2. Install graphviz package from
  3. Run Causality_analysis.ipynb to obtain full causal graphs for self-organization intervals

Simulation part: A simulation of users participating in a fixed number of tasks.

Simulation rules:

  1. Simulation is initialized with a fixed number of agents and tasks
  2. Each task is represented by a cell in a 2D grid. All tasks have a limit on the number of agents it can recruit: max_agent_per_cell;
  3. At each step, each agent decides whether to participate in a task with probability, p_participate.
  4. If the agent is participating, it will join the first available task from its recent participation history within a time window, ordered by highest frequency; (To simulate the user behavior of participating in the same task.) If no space is available for all these tasks, it will join a random available task nearby the current task.

To run:

  1. Install mesa package from
  2. Run to run the simulation
  3. is used to draw NCEs and gains under different parameters. People can change the parameters in to get NCE and gains.


Code for Paper “Optimising Self-Organised Volunteer Efforts in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic”






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