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- Vim Script
codingwell / scala-guice
Forked from benlings/scala-guiceScala extensions for Google Guice
scopt / scopt
Forked from jstrachan/scoptcommand line options parsing for Scala
iheartradio / ficus
Forked from ceedubs/ficusScala-friendly companion to Typesafe config
A Spark WordCountJob example as a standalone SBT project with Specs2 tests, runnable on Amazon EMR
paulirish / The-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016
Forked from samccone/The-cost-of-transpiling-es2015-in-2016Investigating the overhead cost of compiled es2015
everwatchsolutions / docker-druid
Forked from worrel/docker-druidDruid Docker
A sample 3Scale API Proxy running on Heroku
Xorcode / mean
Forked from linnovate/meanMEAN (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) - A Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for JS centric web apps - utilizing many of the best practices we've found on the way
Complete, compliant and well tested module for implementing an OAuth2 Server/Provider with express in node.js
amrav / restify-jwt
Forked from auth0/express-jwtrestify middleware that validates a JsonWebToken (JWT) and sets the req.user with the attributes
jbuchbinder / statsd-go
Forked from amir/gographiteAn Etsy StatsD (https://github.com/etsy/statsd) implementation in Go
DON'T USE THIS .... A reference implementation in javascript, based on true story (picturefill).
garbas / vim-snipmate
Forked from msanders/snipmate.vimsnipMate.vim aims to be a concise vim script that implements some of TextMate's snippets features in Vim.
xaviershay / tslime.vim
Forked from jimmyharris/tslime.vimSend command from vim to a running tmux session
skwp / vim-rspec
Forked from vlmonk/vim-rspecBeautiful rspec output in vim.
ry5n / rem
Forked from raybrownco/remrem() is a Sass mixin that converts pixel values to rem values for whatever property is passed to it.
jcoglan / berliner
Forked from rkh/almost-sinatraSinatra refactored, only eight lines now. More popular than a pair of socks.
unscriptable / curl
Forked from cujojs/curlthis repo has moved to https://github.com/cujojs/curl
anselmo / Swipe
Forked from thebird/Swipea lightweight mobile slider
jlong / sass-bootstrap-defunct
Forked from twbs/bootstrapThis project has been superceeded by an official Bootstrap Sass port. Please use:
JohnMunsch / lccache
Forked from pamelafox/lscacheA port of Pamela Fox's lscache to use Lawnchair instead of localStorage. After I ported it, we never ended up using it so I can't speak to whether it works well or not. Use at your own risk (but if…
anselmo / em-synchrony
Forked from igrigorik/em-synchronyFiber aware EventMachine clients and convenience classes
anselmo / treesaver
Forked from Treesaver/treesaverJavaScript library for creating column and page-based layouts
Use Guard with jasmine-headless-webkit
anselmo / statsd
Forked from statsd/statsdSimple daemon for easy stats aggregation
rmanalan / jshint.vim
Forked from hallettj/jslint.vimVIM plugin and command line tool for running JSHint <http://jshint.com/>. Shamelessly forked from http://github.com/halletj/jslint.vim
jneen / vim-coffee-script
Forked from kchmck/vim-coffee-scriptCoffeeScript support for vim
r00k / dotfiles
Forked from ryanb/dotfilesconfig files for zsh, bash, completions, gem, git, irb, rails, vim