- When installing the Dev Kit, if .NET Framework 4.6.2 isn't being found, try installing it from: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=53321
- When using the Dev Kit, packages need to be updated manually. The project templates reference packages with version 1.0.*, but that doesn't include prerelease packages and there's currently no way of including them (NuGet/Home#912). The Dev Kit packages are prerelease, so the references need to be updated. There are two ways of doing this:
- Edit the project file manually, and replace "1.0.*" with the current version in master plus "-*". Example (current version): "1.0.2-*".
- Remove the package references from the csproj and install them using the Manage NuGet Packages UI. Make sure you select the correct package feed ("All" or "Cosmos Local Package Feed").
- The Kernel project templates aren't currently working (User Kit and Dev Kit). These project templates aren't needed, and the .NET Standard Library project template should be used instead.
- AssemblyInfo isn't created for .NET Core projects. It's automatically generated by the .NET compiler, but custom assembly attributes can be added. For that, simply create an AssemblyInfo file (with the correct file extension) and add the attributes that you need. Be aware that the attributes generated by the .NET compiler cannot be declared more than once.