v8.0.0 of cyclops-reactor and above is built using v2.5.0-M4 of Project Reactor
- Lazy eXtended collections (backed by Flux)
- FluxSource -> for pushing data into Flux and Mono types
- Native for comprehensions for Reactor types
- Native Monad Tranformer for Flux and Mono. FluxT also has native for comprehensions
- Monad wrapping via AnyM / AnyMValue / AnyMSeq
- Compatible with cyclops-react pattern matching
- Ability to use Reactor types inside cyclops-react monad transformers (as the wrapping type, requires conversion to act as the nested type).
- Fluxes, Monos and Publishers companion classes for working with Flux, Mono and general Publishers
Standard JDK collections
- LazyListX
- LazyDequeX
- LazyQueueX
- LazySetX
- LazySortedX
Persistent collections
- LazyPStackX (A persistent LinkedList)
- LazyPVectorX (A persistent Vector - an ArrayList analogue)
- LazyPQueueX (A persistent Queue)
- LazyPSetX (A persistent Set)
- LazyPOrderedSetX (A persistent OrderedSet)
- LazyPBagX (A persistent Bag)
- Lazy collections can not contain nulls (extended operations will result in NullPointerException), use ListX from cyclops-react for an extended List that can contain nulls
- Data access / modifications operations are eager (transformations are lazy)
- A Lazy Collection is not a Stream, eager operations result in the materialization of the entire list (there is no short circuiting, for example)
LazyListX extends ListX from cyclops (and JDK java.util.List).
ListX<Integer> lazy = LazyListX.fromIterable(myIterable);
//lazily define operations
ListX<ListX<Integer>> transformed = lazy.map(i->i*2)
//operations performed when data is accessed
- LazyListX can not contain nulls (extended operations will result in NullPointerException), use ListX from cyclops-react for an extended List that can contain nulls
- Data access / modifications operations are eager (transformations are lazy)
- A LazyList is not a Stream, eager operations result in the materialization of the entire list (there is no short circuiting, for example)
LazyDequeX extends DequeX from cyclops (and JDK java.util.Deque).
DequeX<Integer> lazy = LazyDequeX.fromIterable(myIterable);
//lazily define operations
DequeX<ListX<Integer>> transformed = lazy.map(i->i*2)
//operations performed when data is accessed
LazyQueueX extends QueueX from cyclops (and JDK java.util.Deque).
QueueX<Integer> lazy = LazyQueueX.fromIterable(myIterable);
//lazily define operations
LazyQueueX<ListX<Integer>> transformed = lazy.map(i->i*2)
//operations performed when data is accessed
For pushing data into Flux and Mono types
PushableFlux<Integer> pushable = FluxSource.ofUnbounded();
//on a separate thread
//then push data into your Flux
//close the transfer Queue
Documentation for StreamSource (cyclops-react / extended JDK analogue of FluxSource)
Blog post on pushing data into Java 8 Streams
Documentation for working with Queues
ReactorPipes provides an API for flexible joining of multple different Stream types.
ReactorPipes<String,Integer> pipes = ReactorPipes.of();
//store a transfer Queue with a max size of 1,000 entries
//connect a Flux to transfer1
Maybe<Flux<Integer>> connected = pipes.flux("transfer1");
Flux<Integer> stream = connected.get();
//Setup a producing Stream
ReactiveSeq seq = ReactiveSeq.generate(this::loadData)
Use Fluxes.anyM or Mono.anyM to create wrapped Reactor Monads.
Supported Reactor Monads include
- Flux
- Mono
import static com.aol.cyclops.reactor.Fluxes.forEach;
Flux<Integer> result = forEach(Flux.just(10,20),a->Flux.<Integer>just(a+10)
import static com.aol.cyclops.reactor.Monos.forEach;
Mono<Integer> result = forEach(Mono.just(10),a->Mono.<Integer>just(a+10)
import static com.aol.cyclops.reactor.FluxTs.fluxT;
FluxTSeq<Integer> nested = fluxT(Flux.just(Flux.just(1,2,3),Flux.just(10,20,30)));
FluxTSeq<Integer> mapped = nested.map(i->i*3);
//mapped = [Flux[ReactiveSeq[3,6,9],ReactiveSeq[30,60,90]]
import static com.aol.cyclops.reactor.MonoTs.monoT;
MonoTSeq<Integer> nestedFuture = monoT(Flux.just(Mono.just(1),Mono.just(10)));
mapped = nested.map(i->i*3);
//mapped = [Flux[FutureW[3],FutureW[30]]