For the purpose of this document let's assume you have deployed your app under:
The app name is <myiotapp>
in this documentation you would replace the entire string including the carrots in your files.
To run this you will need to make your app run as root please read the section on Security Considerations
Make sure to make your app <myiotapp>
is executable by using the command:
# Requires root permissions
chmod +x <myiotapp>
For this example a script titled <myiotapp>.service
will be used. The folder that this application is ran from is /home/pi/myiotappfolder
Please replace accordingly with your app name or the location you decide to save your script. Remember to add the .service
as the file extension
Here is an example systemd.service file that you can use as a template. Make sure to use a Unix end of line when creating the systemmd.service file.
#The # is a comment line
#Place short description here
Description=My IOT Device Service
#This will not start execution of this file until the network connection is made
#It can be replaced with other parameters of your choosing
#Default: Startup type
#Edit this with your file name. In this example the app executable is in the /home/pi/myiotappfolder
#The file we are running and made executable is <myiotapp>
#ExecStart runs this executable script
#Optional: Saves the output and error log of the terminal to a .log file in a directory of your choosing.
#Optional: To cleanly end the file on stop use this command. This sends a terminal interrupt command on the executable script
#Automatically restart on kill
The systemmd service file which we will call <myiotapp>.service
must be saved to /etc/systemd/system
to be ran on boot.
Note that you must have admin priviliges to save a file to the system etc folder. You can use the following to copy the service in a terminal to this folder:
# Requires root permissions
cp <myiotapp>.service /etc/systemd/system
Once in the folder make the file executable by going to the directory and then use the chmod command:
# Requires root permissions
chmod +x <myiotapp>.service
Please use care and refer to the manual when using this code You may also look at the other scripts under /etc/systemd/system for reference.
This will start the service but will not run it on boot.
# Requires root permissions
systemctl start <myiotapp>.service
Now you can look at the log file you created to see the output of the terminal. /home/pi/myiotapp.log
Or you can check the status of the service by using in a terminal:
# Requires root permissions
systemctl is-active status <myiotapp>.service
To stop the service run:
# Requires root permissions
systemctl stop <myiotapp>.service
# Requires root permissions
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable myscript.service
Run this in terminal to disable the program on boot:
# Requires root permissions
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl disable myscript.service
Your app will be running with root permissions.
Please ensure only root can write to the files related with your app. That includes any binary dependencies or any other scripts which you app may run.
Not doing so may add a risk of elevation of privileges to your device.
# The commands below should be run as root (i.e. sudo)
# Owner of every dependency and app should be root
chown -R root:root /your/app/directory/
# permissions for dependencies (files) should be rw for owner, read or none for anyone else
chmod -R 644 /your/app/directory/*
# your app additionally will need executable permissions which you may have accidentally removed with previous command
chmod 755 /your/app/directory/yourapp
# permissions for directories/subdirectories
chmod 755 /your/app/directory
chmod 755 /your/app/directory/subdirectory