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File metadata and controls

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Broker Configuration

The broker can be configured though environment variables or configuration files or a combo of both.

Configuration File

A configuration file can be provided at run time to the broker.

cloud-service-broker serve --config <config file name>

A configuration file can be YAML or JSON. Config file values that are . delimited represent hierarchy in the config file.


  host: hostname

represents a config file value of

Database Configuration Properties

Connection details for the backing database for the service broker.

You can configure the following values:

Environment Variable Config File Value Type Description
DB_HOST * string

Database host

DB_USERNAME db.user string

Database username

DB_PASSWORD db.password secret

Database password

DB_PORT * db.port string

Database port (defaults to 3306) Default: 3306

DB_NAME * string

Database name Default: servicebroker

CA_CERT text

Server CA cert

CLIENT_CERT db.client.cert text

Client cert

CLIENT_KEY db.client.key text

Client key

Broker Service Configuration

Broker service configuration values:

Environment Variable Config File Value Type Description
SECURITY_USER_NAME * api.user string

Broker authentication username

SECURITY_USER_PASSWORD * api.password string

Broker authentication password

PORT api.port string

Port to bind broker to

Credhub Configuration

The broker supports passing credentials to apps via credhub references, thus keeping them private to the application (they won't show up in cf env app_name output.)

Environment Variable Config File Value Type Description
CH_CRED_HUB_URL credhub.url URL credhub service URL - usually
CH_UAA_URL credhub.uaa_url URL uaa service URL - usually
CH_UAA_CLIENT_NAME credhub.uaa_client_name string uaa username - usually credhub_admin_client
CH_UAA_CLIENT_SECRET credhub.uaa_client_secret string uaa client secret - "Credhub Admin Client Credentials" from Operations Manager > PAS > Credentials tab.
CH_SKIP_SSL_VALIDATION credhub.skip_ssl_validation boolean skip SSL validation if true
CH_CA_CERT_FILE credhub.ca_cert_file path path to cert file

Brokerpak Configuration

Brokerpak configuration values:

Environment Variable Config File Value Type Description
GSB_BROKERPAK_BUILTIN_PATH brokerpak.builtin.path string

Path to search for .brokerpak files, default: ./

GSB_BROKERPAK_CONFIG brokerpak.config string JSON global config for broker pak services
service.service-name.provision.defaults string JSON provision defaults override for service-name
services.service-name.plans string JSON plan collection to augment plans for service-name

Azure Configuration

The Azure brokerpak supports default values for tenant, subscription and service principal credentials.

Environment Variable Config File Value Type Description
ARM_TENANT_ID azure.tenant_id string ID for tenant that resources will be created in
ARM_SUBSCRIPTION_ID azure.subscription_id string ID for subscription that resources will be created in
ARM_CLIENT_ID azure.client_id string service principal client ID
ARM_CLIENT_SECRET azure.client_secret string service principal secret

Global Config Example

Services for a given IaaS should have common parameter names for service wide platform resources (like regions)

Azure services support global region and resource group parameters:

  defaults: '{
    "region": "eastus2", 
    "resource_group": "sb-acceptance-test-rg"

Provision Default Example

The Azure MS SQL DB service (azure-mssql-db) provisions databases on an existing MS SQL server. Configuring the server credentials looks like this:

      defaults: '{
          "server_name": "vsb-azsql-svr-52539613-83bc-4f57-9ed8-8a98ebc394e5",
          "admin_username": "KlpWlZCYHEyqdwuf",
          "admin_password": "KZe-.-rTuhK2ucDCx5UYQJyjsbum65SlC8_LTZg~Klr.2.1Yut-1weBdF1Xk-uo.",
          "resource_group": "vsb-azsql-svr-52539613-83bc-4f57-9ed8-8a98ebc394e5"

Plans Example

The Azure MS SQL DB service (azure-mssql-db) can also have its plans augmented to support more than one existing DB server:

    plans: '[
        "description":"2cores, 10GB storage DB on server vsb-azsql-test-db4",
        "description":"2cores, 10GB storage DB on server vsb-azsql-svr-52539613-83bc-4f57-9ed8-8a98ebc394e5",
        "server_name": "vsb-azsql-svr-52539613-83bc-4f57-9ed8-8a98ebc394e5",
        "admin_username": "KlpWlZCYHEyqdwuf",
        "admin_password": "KZe-.-rTuhK2ucDCx5UYQJyjsbum65SlC8_LTZg~Klr.2.1Yut-1weBdF1Xk-uo.",
        "resource_group": "vsb-azsql-svr-52539613-83bc-4f57-9ed8-8a98ebc394e5"