Packages include:
- util -- a generic utility package
- rest -- useful REST utilities. Primary deals with unmarshalling and marshalling JSON, as well as support for serializing/deserializing structs according to the JSON:API schema.
- redis -- a package that provides utilities relevant to connecting with and interacting with a Redis cluster. This is a common use case for AWS Elasticache.
- functional -- useful functional utilities for primitive types.
- sql -- a package that provides utilities relevant to connecting to and interacting with a Postgres database. Makes use of the GORM library found here.
- alb -- a package that helps format responses to be sent from an AWS Lambda function back to a triggering ALB, and therefore back to a client.
- kinesis -- AWS Kinesis utility functions (putting payloads to a kinesis stream).
Add the following to your go.mod file (or directly import it):