Tags: arekt/Nimble
v6.1.0 ====== This is a relatively small release that addresses issues for Xcode 8.3 / Swift 3.1. Merry Testing! 👾 New: - Add float and double overloads to `beGreaterThan` for ObjC (Thanks @soranoba) Changes: - SwiftLint no longer runs for framework targets. Instead an internal SwiftLint target is used instead. (Thanks @wongzigii) Bugfixes: - Fixes `throwError` matcher with the latest version of Swift (Thanks @aaroncrespo) - Fixes `throwError` matcher warning for Xcode 8.3
v6.0.0 ====== This is a relatively small release with one breaking change. Breaking Changes: - Renamed framework target from `Nimble-OSX` to `Nimble-macOS` - Thanks Zigii Wong (@wongzigii)! New Features: - Add `containObjectSatisfying` matcher to perform order-indifferent check on collections - Thanks Jared Friese (@jwfriese)! - `beKindOf` matcher now supports Swift-only types - Thanks Jared Friese (@jwfriese)! Fixes: - Stylististic changes for SwiftLint (still on-going) - Thanks Yurii Samsoniuk (@sigito)! - Also don't print warning about SwiftLint not being installed - Fix Nimble not running in Swift-only environments - Thanks Syo Ikeda (@ikesyo)! Add `containElementSatisfying` matcher to perform order-indifferent check on collections. This is convenient if you require at least one element in a collection to pass a predicate. ```swift // swift expect([1, 2, 3]).to(containElementSatisfying { n in return n == 2 }) ``` ```objc // objc expect(@[@1, @2, @3]).to(containElementSatisfying(^BOOL(id n) { return [n isEqualToNumber:@2]; })); ``` The `beAKindOf` and `beAnInstanceOf` matchers has been updated to support Swift-only types. That means this is now possible: ```swift expect("hello world").to(beAKindOf(String.self)) expect("hello world").to(beAnInstanceOf(String.self)) ``` In older versions of Swift, casting was always self-evident and the compiler would disallow potentially invalid coercions (eg - Any to String). But this is no longer the case and these matchers have been updated. Also, `beAKindOf` is now available in Swift-only environments (aka - Linux).
Nimble v5.1.0 ============= This release includes new features and shouldn't break backwards compatibility with 5.0.0. Thus, 5.1.0 supports Swift 3 / Xcode 8. The TL;DR list of changes: New Features: - Add `throwAssertion` matcher to test precondition failures. Thanks @mattgallagher and @abbeycode! - Objective-C supports some C literals Fixes: - The regular expression `match` matcher is available for Linux. Thanks @ikesyo! - Document about `AsyncDefaults`. Thanks @wongzigii! - Fix `matchError` incorrectly succeeding on any Error type given. New Feature Details =================== ThrowAssertion Matcher ---------------------- Nimble now includes a `throwAssertion` matcher to test if a given piece of code fails `precondition` or invokes `fatalError`. ```swift // swift expect { precondition(false, "this will fail") }.to(throwAssertion()) // type-hint that this closure does not return anything expect { () -> Void in fatalError() }.to(throwAssertion()) ``` Due to the inherit implementation of preconditions and fatalErrors, there are several limitations: - This is only available for Swift. - There is no validation of the failure message. - This only works for x86 architectures. This means Simulators + macOS only. - tvOS simulator requires you to disable "Debug executable" in your scheme's test configuration. Nimble embeds [CwlPreconditionTesting][1] to implement `throwAssertion`. Special thanks to @mattgallagher for CwlPreconditionTesting and @abbeycode for the bulk of the adding the matcher for Nimble. Go test those assertions! [1]: https://github.com/mattgallagher/CwlPreconditionTesting Objective-C: Limited C-Literals Support --------------------------------------- Objective-C version of Nimble now can automatically box certain C types for you. This means you don't need to wrap them yourself: ```objc // objective-c expect(1).to(equal(2)); expect(98.6).to(beCloseTo(98.6)); expect(YES).to(beTrue()); expect(@[@1, @2]).to(haveCount(2)); expect("hello").toNot(equal("world")); expect(NSMakeRange(0, 5)).to(equal(NSMakeRange(0, 5))); ``` Currently, not all matchers support all types. The following matchers support C types: - `equal` - `beGreaterThan` - `beGreaterThanOrEqual` - `beLessThan` - `beLessThanOrEqual` - `beCloseTo` - `beTrue` - `beFalse` - `beTruthy` - `beFalsy` - `haveCount` The C types each supports is matcher specific. But there's here's the basic heuristics: - C numeric types are boxed as `NSNumber *`. (eg - `uint64_t -> NSNumber *`) - C booleans are boxed as `NSNumber *`. (eg - `BOOL -> NSNumber *`) - C strings are boxed as `NSString *` (eg - `char * -> NSString *`) - `NSRange` are boxed as `NSValue *` (eg - `NSRange -> NSValue *`) While they shouldn't cause too many suprises in practice, note that you still can have some gotchas with everything boxing as `NSNumber *` (eg - `expect(1).to(beTrue())` passes). Please file an issue if you want more matchers. ----- Happy testing!
Nimble v5.0.0 ============= Version 5 supports Swift 3. For older versions of swift, please use an older version of Nimble. Features / Breaking Changes: - Convert to Swift 3 - Change `NMBOrderedCollection` to use `-[objectForIndex:]` / `object(at index: Int)`. See bugfix. - `beCloseTo` supports `CGFloat` Bugfixes: - Fix `endsWith` matcher not working if the expected value was repeated multiple times for strings and `NMBOrderedCollection`-conforming types. Special thanks to @NachoSoto, @andersio, @briancroom, @ikesyo, @liscio, @mokagio, @norio-nomura, @raphaelcruzeiro for all the effort in getting Nimble to Swift 3!
Added: - `NSDate` is now supported when using the `beCloseTo` & `beCloseWithin` matchers (Quick#295 - thanks @mishimay!). - `Expectation`'s `expression` property is now public, for use when creating custom matchers (Quick#300 - thanks @akashivskyy!). Improved: - The `contain` matcher now accepts sequences, in addition to the existing variadic form (Quick#297 - thanks @stigi!). - The documentation for `beIdenticalTo` has been improved (Quick#299 - thanks @lukeredpath!). Fixed: - Bitcode is now disabled for the tvOS platform (Quick#287 - thanks @phatblat!). - Nimble can now be compiled under Xcode 8 with Swift 2.3 (Quick#302). Swift 3 support will be part of a future release.
Nimble v4.0.0 ================ Breaking Changes ---------------- - Remove `FullMatcherFunc`. Use `Matcher` or `MatcherFunc` instead. More breaking changes around the protocols will occur in the future. Features -------- - `BeEmpty()` supports `NSIndexSet` - Expose `stringify()` which Nimble matchers use to convert values to string. - You can add custom support to stringify by conforming your type to `TestDebugStringConvertible` Bug Fixes ---------- - Fix bug where exceptions weren't properly caught for cocoapods users - Resolve warnings for Xcode 7.3
Nimble v3.2.0 ============= This release includes bug fixes, minor enhancements, and a couple of new matchers. This release targets Xcode 7.2.x and Swift 2.1. It also generally works with Xcode 7.3 betas and Swift 2.2 (thanks @NachoSoto!), although many deprecation warnings are emitted. Additionally, initial support is available for using Nimble with the Swift Package Manager on both OS X and Linux. This should be considered a technical preview as SwiftPM and the do not yet have any stable releases. New Matcher: postNotifications ============================== This matcher allows testing that an expression causes one or more `NSNotification`s to be posted to a notification center. Thanks to @bgerstle for this work! ```swift expect { NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotification(myNotification) }.to(postNotifications(equal([myNotification])) ``` New Matcher: beVoid =================== This matcher allows testing whether an optional value of type `Void?` contains a value, or is `nil`. Thanks to @inamiy for this! ```swift expect(() as ()?).to(beVoid()) ``` Asynchronous Expectation Defaults ================================= It is now possible to modify the global default values for the timeout and poll interval used by `toEventually`. Thanks @mjbeauregard! ```swift AsyncDefaults.Timeout = 2 AsyncDefaults.PollInterval = 0.05 ``` Swift Package Manager ===================== It is now possible to reference Nimble as a package dependency in a `Package.swift` file for use with the Swift Package Manager. As SwiftPM is not yet stable, this integration should be considered an early preview and may break. Linux Support ============= Complementing SwiftPM support, Nimble can now be used on Linux, with the caveat that not all behaviors and matchers are supported. Features that rely on the Objective-C runtime are disabled in this environment. Miscellaneous ============= * `be` can now be used as an alias for the `beIdenticalTo` matcher. Thanks @jwfriese! * The compiler will now produce a warning if `expect` is used without being followed up by `to`, `toNot`, etc. Thanks @pcantrell! * `NSData` now has a special string representation to prevent failure messages from including excessively long data descriptions. Thanks @inket!