All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
3.0.6 (2022-02-13)
- #1692 (#1696) (a3ac74a)
- add missing dep (#1684) (fbd02e2)
- missing import component will be throw error (#1694) (c17f049)
- not found after no router set. (#1698) (c7f466f)
- queue service scope (#1699) (d2e46e5)
- web: check type of variable (#1688) (f69fb5a)
3.0.5 (2022-02-10)
3.0.4 (2022-02-09)
- createFunctionApp (#1628) (8d6f6e8)
- deps: update dependency amqp-connection-manager to v4.1.0 (#1653) (9221a49)
- deps: update dependency amqp-connection-manager to v4.1.1 (#1663) (8508913)
- deps: update dependency sequelize to ~6.15.0 (#1644) (eb241f2)
- deps: update dependency sequelize to ~6.16.0 (#1677) (bf84760)
- deps: update dependency ws to v8.5.0 (#1668) (5326c43)
- run in egg cluster mode (#1645) (d6146cc)
- supertest typings and createFunctionApp (#1642) (484f4f4)
- swagger not support more than one @Body (#1662) (a13ec48)
- swagger support globalprefix (#1670) (75e83f9)
- task typings (#1678) (02aeef6)
3.0.3 (2022-01-28)
- crc error in ncc bundle (#1636) (8f1dc91)
- deps: update dependency sequelize to ~6.14.0 (#1617) (f29fc0f)
3.0.2 (2022-01-24)
3.0.1 (2022-01-24)
- #1610 use origin args when parameter decorator throw error (#1613) (797ece6)
- add missing maxAge (#1612) (5f21909)
- config key required (#1615) (fb2188e)
- deps: update dependency ws to v8.4.2 (#1570) (932b034)
- serverless-app: fix findNpmModule in pnp (#1605) (37f46e0)
- tablestore ref (#1616) (6b31f4f)
- Revert "chore: update ci yml to sync api" (1ab4994)
3.0.0 (2022-01-20)
3.0.0-beta.17 (2022-01-18)
- deps: update dependency axios to ^0.25.0 (#1596) (b30f1ae)
- deps: update dependency supertest to v6.2.1 (#1561) (0bcde23)
- move koa-session and definition (#1572) (95743c1)
- move register to on server ready (#1576) (b5f8256)
- remove bodyParser typings (#1579) (a967fdf)
- add static file (#1597) (2e6baae)
- Allows the user to provide the response after authentication fa… (#1567) (57efdee)
- security (#1569) (30762cc)
- support multi root (#1584) (b23dda2)
- throw error when singleton invoke request scope (#1589) (e71bfa8)
3.0.0-beta.16 (2022-01-11)
- @File/@Files schema no type bug (#1532) (a776b3d)
- deps: update dependency amqp-connection-manager to v4 (#1534) (78612e1)
- deps: update dependency sequelize to ~6.13.0 (#1554) (0a82a2c)
- deps: update dependency supertest to v6.2.0 (#1555) (4ff0e03)
- typings (4afffe6)
3.0.0-beta.15 (2022-01-07)
- add data listener (#1525) (0bd0db8)
- add info middleware (#1530) (7077f1d)
- add secret filter (#1531) (ce77e48)
- compatible with @File/@Files/@Fields (#1527) (3fe983f)
- cross domain component (#1493) (ca81b2f)
- support hooks 3 (#1524) (1cf446d)
3.0.0-beta.14 (2022-01-04)
- cos config definition & 3.x doc update (#1515) (0ac7ac5)
- deps: update dependency @grpc/proto-loader to ^0.6.0 (#1505) (67eaee7)
- deps: update dependency axios to ^0.24.0 (#1506) (d2a7dab)
- deps: update dependency bull to v4 (#1511) (9100d21)
- deps: update dependency cookie-session to v2 (#1483) (ef1c1d1)
- deps: update dependency http-errors to v2 (#1512) (f3580e1)
- deps: update dependency prom-client to v14 (#1486) (87b6678)
- deps: update dependency sequelize to ~6.12.0 (#1509) (6f96bf7)
- deps: update dependency statuses to v2 (#1487) (5f99204)
- deps: update dependency ws to v8 (#1488) (7e71bb4)
- upload support auto clean and whitelist (#1484) (7daa037)
3.0.0-beta.13 (2021-12-30)
3.0.0-beta.12 (2021-12-28)
- add fileupload support (#1439) (0a81e72)
- custom error code & add @Files/@Fields (#1438) (b0032af)
- support throw err status (#1440) (7b98110)
3.0.0-beta.11 (2021-12-21)
Note: Version bump only for package midway_project
3.0.0-beta.10 (2021-12-20)
- 3.x swagger (#1409) (e00fbbf)
- 3.x upload (#1422) (cbd8e33)
- add swagger doc & fix bug (#1427) (82dc6f1)
- default add session & bodyparser support for koa/express/faas (#1420) (cdaff31)
- implement i18n for validate (#1426) (4c7ed2f)
- support express (61e73db)
3.0.0-beta.9 (2021-12-09)
3.0.0-beta.8 (2021-12-08)
- express routing middleware takes effect at the controller level (#1364) (b9272e0)
- mongoose remote config bug (#1399) (e37602d)
- passport missing proxy file (#1405) (5c9bdae)
- typeorm EntityView missing connectionName (#1403) (30b2b37)
3.0.0-beta.7 (2021-12-03)
- add app.keys (#1395) (c44afc6)
- middleware with ctx.body (#1389) (77af5c0)
- validate typing and config (#1388) (0883569)
3.0.0-beta.6 (2021-11-26)
3.0.0-beta.5 (2021-11-25)
3.0.0-beta.4 (2021-11-24)
- add i18n (#1375) (bffefe0)
- auto transform args to type (#1372) (bb3f7d2)
- support global prefix url (#1371) (cc5fe44)
3.0.0-beta.3 (2021-11-18)
3.0.0-beta.2 (2021-11-16)
3.0.0-beta.1 (2021-11-14)
- add log for 'Internal Server Error' (#1282) (f333466)
- ci、build and type error with rabbitmq (#1253) (80ae991)
- circular inject for provide uuid (#1285) (34533bf)
- component env filter (#1234) (1ad365f)
- correct aspect chain bug (#1204) (5de5284)
- disable performance marking for invoke handlers (#1299) (2de9221)
- empty options in default (#1241) (802109d)
- encode request path in serverless (#1230) (c826e68)
- find egg plugin in cwd (#1236) (d9ac0ff)
- form-data for egg-layer (#1097) (66057e8)
- functional configuration load async code (#1300) (32bcf03)
- getCustomRepository bug (#1309) (04487a8)
- load component with enabledEnvironment (#1329) (3182271)
- node v16 typings (#1269) (e3443b5)
- remove connection key (#1337) (6ac219e)
- serverless app support applicationContext (#1281) (b692001)
- serverless local dev bodyparser limit (#1245) (6bdf378)
- static prefix (#1321) (31fe961)
- winston rotate log size limit in cluster mode (#1268) (09f9d81)
- add a process agent component (#1278) (e630fb1)
- add cos component (#1271) (c18e597)
- add ctx.throw for serverless app (#1262) (70008b3)
- add http2 support (#1242) (6cda27e)
- add mongoose component and support multi-instance for typegoose (#1334) (ca0b73f)
- add prometheus-socket-io (#1275) (55e2b53)
- add redis component (#1270) (09c993a)
- add sequelize component (#1283) (9ad91d1)
- add setDiff (#1263) (9dd1a08)
- add tablestore component and typescript definition (#1302) (aaa4877)
- add view, view-ejs and view-nunjucks (#1308) (a00f44b)
- merge DTO Helper for #1250 (#1288) (3f8f937)
- queue support concurrency config (#1231) (67bb7f5)
- serverless-worker-starter (#1171) (081a3ec)
2.12.4 (2021-08-13)
2.12.3 (2021-08-09)
- support object config load and async config (#1212) (a035ccb)
- vercel starter and trigger (#1199) (7d978a2)
2.12.2 (2021-08-04)
- change limit for fc (0546c81)
2.12.1 (2021-08-01)
2.12.0 (2021-07-30)
- add oss component (#1181) (e83171c)
- add support hostname to http-listening (#1186) (6f8356f)
- add task log (#1173) (00ca5e8)
- enhance cache for #1103 (#1189) (562236c)
2.11.7 (2021-07-24)
- add generateMiddleware definition for express app (#1170) (246a244)
- socket listen sequelize (#1175) (84f9b68)
- test error (#1174) (9f47f64)
2.11.6 (2021-07-16)
2.11.5 (2021-07-15)
- add missing arg "groupBy?" at exported attachPropertyDataToClass in decoratorManager (#1146) (f4f7a55)
- cors and trigger bugs in serverless (#1156) (2df53c2)
- find baseDir in egg (#1154) (2fc9a44)
2.11.4 (2021-07-06)
- @Func decorator with empty metadata (#1137) (621a99a)
- add target parameter (#1139) (5be4757)
- remove port with other framework (#1140) (88fec38)
- support ignore dsl (#1133) (3ca6c23)
2.11.3 (2021-07-02)
- add origin args (#1120) (fe593fc)
- get complete origin args (#1130) (d652016)
- hide real error when user code throw error (#1128) (e728b0b)
- remove egg dep (#1118) (633cb17)
- serverless app invoke args (#1127) (3467b73)
- uppercase for header decorator (#1123) (cfcfb1f)
- prometheus: this.http_server may undefined onStop (#1124) (300a3ec)
2.11.2 (2021-06-28)
- add uncaughtException handler (#1113) (8c32165)
- logger parameter join output (#1104) (e85e5f1)
- replace ctx.logger in fc serverless environment (#1112) (8ac87b8)
2.11.1 (2021-06-19)
- add date pattern parameter (#1102) (de4c28e)
- support EventSubscriberModel with provide (#1095) (05431d2)
2.11.0 (2021-06-10)
2.10.19 (2021-05-27)
2.10.18 (2021-05-26)
2.10.17 (2021-05-17)
2.10.16 (2021-05-17)
2.10.15 (2021-05-12)
2.10.14 (2021-05-11)
2.10.13 (2021-05-08)
2.10.12 (2021-05-07)
- change all requestMethod to real method for serverless http request (#1028) (23e2943)
- disable wait event loop in tencent serverless (#1029) (89d5c2e)
- output serverless error in some environment (#1030) (b162b89)
- remove winston-daily-rotate-file (#1032) (ae242c1)
- serverless logger close when runtime stop (#1022) (28548da)
- throw error when router duplicate (#1023) (61bc58d)
- use egg-logger got empty logger (#1031) (4077c70)
2.10.11 (2021-04-29)
- lifecycle missing container when run onStop method (#1016) (3b6303c)
- load functional config (#1017) (51566c0)
- logger eol with default value (#1018) (7d3f58d)
- serverless-app stop need close runtime (#1015) (1bef223)
2.10.10 (2021-04-24)
2.10.9 (2021-04-21)
2.10.8 (2021-04-21)
2.10.7 (2021-04-17)
- add event name args (#986) (bfd8232)
- add midway case for egg-layer and add warn for DecoratorManager (#994) (3d601aa)
- format (#997) (456cc14)
- inject class when use component by import string (#996) (8bfda7d)
- remove reset bootstrap logger (#993) (9dc9596)
- serverless logger rotator error (#992) (df681b3)
2.10.6 (2021-04-14)
2.10.5 (2021-04-13)
- configuration file path join on windows (#984) (099e76c)
- delay load without layer and egg-cluster (#985) (52ba60d)
- serverless app stop (#988) (279a3c5)
2.10.4 (2021-04-10)
2.10.3 (2021-04-07)
2.10.2 (2021-04-05)
- load config once and support load singleton service before framework start (#970) (201dd59)
- serverless event test (#967) (e0c15e3)
2.10.1 (2021-04-03)
2.10.0 (2021-04-02)
- consul: register to consul server and lookup service with balancer (#949) (d5f9916)
- support prometheus client (#963) (b0edd42)
- use @ServerlessTrigger replace functions in f.yml (#919) (a85af14)
2.9.3 (2021-03-30)
- bootstrap cache error framework (#955) (59ec100)
- client ip proxy to real server (#956) (fa6d53c)
- set error logger key (#953) (25b4302)
2.9.2 (2021-03-27)
- framework find and sort (#946) (2aac414)
- interface in serverless-app (#947) (0b56648)
- missing namespace requestContainer (#942) (92e4ee6)
2.9.1 (2021-03-24)
2.9.0 (2021-03-22)
- create log dir in serverless environment (#935) (8a15f69)
- lint (8a34e92)
- lint (467a03b)
- providerWrapper get empty object in component (#926) (5e46d19)
- add midway cache (#911) (cc49eee)
- add support (#874) (2818920)
- run multi framework in one process (#925) (330555f)
- support bootstrap load config first (#931) (ae9ed26)
2.8.13 (2021-03-17)
2.8.12 (2021-03-14)
2.8.11 (2021-03-12)
- load egg router before midway container ready (#909) (4640674)
- validator class extends (#896) (ea2edfe)
- add logger dynamic change info method (#897) (5a11374)
- compatible read and config.unittest (#899) (f90cfe3)
- complete static-layer (#908) (75033b5)
2.8.10 (2021-03-09)
2.8.9 (2021-03-08)
2.8.8 (2021-03-06)
2.8.7 (2021-03-04)
2.8.6 (2021-03-03)
2.8.5 (2021-03-03)
2.8.4 (2021-03-03)
- case (df2efb6)
- check case (4df51ed)
- get singleton from shared context (3ebcf13)
- koa-router support wildcard (#881) (0321497)
- multi framework run configuration (44abb6c)
- multi framework run configuration (db98d6a)
- property decorator and class decorator extends (#845) (8d0227d)
- serverless support ts (#879) (8aea51d)
2.8.3 (2021-03-01)
2.8.2 (2021-02-27)
2.8.0 (2021-02-24)
- add router collector and export router table (#852) (3641ac9)
- move context logger to @midwayjs/logger and add createFileL… (#859) (49f568f)
- support gRPC stream API (#855) (bd51c46)
- support inject by class (#832) (ba5364f)
- support queries decorator (#858) (ddb080b)
2.7.7 (2021-02-20)
2.7.6 (2021-02-09)
2.7.5 (2021-02-08)
- ctx logger overwrite in egg extend (#846) (a9d7a0d)
- load ready after super.load (#840) (e329333)
- stack missing in context logger (#841) (7b27145)
- add configuration functional support (#843) (bfaa0aa)
- add enable method (#847) (a85b99d)
- add logger.write method (#844) (0051d07)
2.7.4 (2021-02-03)
2.7.3 (2021-02-02)
2.7.2 (2021-01-28)
2.7.1 (2021-01-28)
2.7.0 (2021-01-27)
- add info level for core logger in local env (#826) (8e8fc59)
- date string error in ISO pattern (#817) (6557e95)
- midway logger and mixin egg logger will be missing log (#823) (ac33af2)
- add component mongoose (#805) (0092831)
- add midway gRPC framework (#786) (d90362c)
- rabbitmq component (#802) (d40197a)
- support entry file in bootstrap (#819) (49a5ff6)
2.6.13 (2021-01-21)
- fc runtime default ctx (#813) (23ad9a2)
- file transport context formatter missing (#815) (45bd3d5)
- optional options (#811) (ed3f659)
- winston-transport build error when enable esModuleInterop (#814) (da6e762)
2.6.12 (2021-01-15)
- express router missing (#804) (30cd26c)
- mockClassFunction missing (#807) (88fa763)
- rabbitmq client mock (#801) (18d0fcd)
2.6.11 (2021-01-11)
2.6.10 (2021-01-10)
- bootstrap missing create logger (#797) (f7aac5f)
- disable logrotator and avoid file exists error (#798) (64ac85c)
2.6.9 (2021-01-08)
2.6.8 (2021-01-06)
2.6.7 (2021-01-05)
- can't throw error in faas (#790) (e740cda)
- remove error and symbol link in windows (#792) (7434724)
- remove log method in ILogger definition (#791) (e716349)
2.6.6 (2021-01-04)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.6.5 (2021-01-04)
2.6.4 (2021-01-02)
2.6.3 (2020-12-30)
2.6.2 (2020-12-30)
2.6.1 (2020-12-29)
2.6.0 (2020-12-28)
- egg layer x forwarded for (#768) (568379f)
- ouput console in serverless environment (#759) (bad20d7)
- parse http is type (#763) (ee77af5)
2.5.5 (2020-12-15)
2.5.4 (2020-12-12)
2.5.3 (2020-12-11)
2.5.2 (2020-12-04)
- definition for getAsync and get (#740) (d40de78)
- ignore set body after user set status (#741) (4fdb2a6)
2.5.1 (2020-11-29)
2.5.0 (2020-11-28)
- add getFunctionName() and functionSerivceName() method to runtime and faas framework (#734) (f0bc5aa)
2.4.8 (2020-11-24)
2.4.7 (2020-11-23)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.4.6 (2020-11-19)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.4.5 (2020-11-19)
2.4.4 (2020-11-17)
2.4.3 (2020-11-16)
2.4.2 (2020-11-13)
2.4.1 (2020-11-12)
- first schedule ignore stop other schedule (#715) (d296636)
- load ignore node_modules (#714) (ad13f13)
2.4.0 (2020-11-11)
2.3.23 (2020-11-03)
- delay loader.load after midway bootstrap init (#699) (2d12a55)
- trigger lifecycle after egg load (#701) (4d63e3a)
2.3.22 (2020-10-31)
2.3.21 (2020-10-29)
2.3.20 (2020-10-29)
2.3.19 (2020-10-28)
- add swagger description meta for swagger
2.3.18 (2020-10-27)
2.3.17 (2020-10-22)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.3.16 (2020-10-16)
2.3.15 (2020-10-15)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.3.14 (2020-10-15)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.3.13 (2020-10-13)
- @plugin inject undefined in web middleware (#667) (cacb2fa)
- when middleware config options is undefined, options.match (#670) (1893049)
- when middleware config options is undefined. options.enable expr… (#668) (3378ea4)
2.3.12 (2020-10-10)
2.3.11 (2020-10-08)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.3.10 (2020-10-08)
2.3.9 (2020-10-05)
2.3.8 (2020-10-05)
2.3.7 (2020-10-04)
2.3.6 (2020-10-02)
- fix core pkg name (#656) (2d26b0d)
- implement optional dep for amqplib in mock package (#654) (3319872)
2.3.4 (2020-09-28)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.3.3 (2020-09-28)
2.3.2 (2020-09-28)
2.3.1 (2020-09-27)
2.3.0 (2020-09-27)
2.2.10 (2020-09-24)
2.2.9 (2020-09-24)
2.2.8 (2020-09-23)
- fix validate error (e6e58d3)
2.2.7 (2020-09-20)
- WebMiddleare to IWebMiddleware (e69cf28)
2.2.6 (2020-09-18)
2.2.5 (2020-09-17)
- add generateMiddleware for express and faas (bfcfc9a)
- add property for web params (5c19644)
- use midway cli replace egg-bin (#639) (62bbf38)
2.2.4 (2020-09-15)
- support midway global middleware use id (8dc9ae3)
- type extension bootstrap (71f9358)
2.2.3 (2020-09-14)
- remove midway-bin dep (632bd96)
2.2.2 (2020-09-14)
- add missing typing dep (083395f)
2.2.1 (2020-09-14)
- add missing typing dep (09a9473)
- fix default logger dir (ce0e06a)
- fix some problem in 2.x boilerplate (80608a1)
2.2.0 (2020-09-13)
2.1.4 (2020-06-17)
2.1.3 (2020-05-07)
2.1.2 (2020-05-02)
2.1.1 (2020-04-30)
2.1.0 (2020-04-29)
2.0.17 (2020-04-21)
2.0.16 (2020-04-12)
2.0.15 (2020-04-11)
2.0.14 (2020-04-08)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.13 (2020-04-07)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.12 (2020-04-07)
2.0.11 (2020-04-07)
2.0.10 (2020-03-31)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.9 (2020-03-30)
2.0.8 (2020-03-30)
2.0.7 (2020-03-30)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.6 (2020-03-27)
- configuration with ctx (4c7ff6a)
2.0.5 (2020-03-22)
- can midway build when tsconfig.json has comments (#424) (f2b2713)
- lazy get default framework (#430) (c8c4b49)
- mock fn (#439) (d0a36e4)
2.0.4 (2020-03-19)
2.0.3 (2020-03-19)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.2 (2020-03-13)
2.0.1 (2020-03-13)
2.0.0 (2020-03-13)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.0-beta.16 (2020-03-12)
2.0.0-beta.15 (2020-03-06)
- disable follow symbolic link (#413) (99c30d7)
- merge bug (7f41fc9)
- modified configuration load logic (#415) (6e77d36)
- 2.x lifecycle (#414) (7313ab8)
- feat(eslint-midway-contrib): add pkg for js and ts (#397) (3b404a5)
- MidwayRequestContainer 增加泛型标注 (#407) (b206035)
2.0.0-beta.14 (2020-03-04)
2.0.0-beta.13 (2020-02-26)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.0-beta.12 (2020-02-25)
2.0.0-beta.11 (2020-02-25)
2.0.0-beta.10 (2020-02-20)
2.0.0-beta.9 (2020-02-20)
2.0.0-beta.8 (2020-02-19)
2.0.0-beta.7 (2020-02-18)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.0-beta.6 (2020-02-17)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
2.0.0-beta.5 (2020-02-17)
1.17.1 (2020-02-17)
1.17.0 (2020-02-17)
2.0.0-beta.4 (2020-02-16)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-02-08)
- fix build (1d5a7c1)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2020-02-04)
- add missing dep module (04ecc82)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2020-02-04)
- fix requestContext load configService (f2c874f)
- support @configuration decorator (0584494)
- support importConfigs and add test case (753cfb4)
- transfor to new package (9144b48)
2.0.0-beta.3 (2020-02-08)
- fix build (1d5a7c1)
2.0.0-beta.2 (2020-02-04)
- add missing dep module (04ecc82)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2020-02-04)
- support @configuration decorator (0584494)
- support importConfigs and add test case (753cfb4)
- transfor to new package (9144b48)
1.16.4 (2020-02-11)
- egg bin modify setup file rule (#380) (4b9461d)
- executing midway-bin build at arbitrary directory (#384) (1ace418)
1.16.3 (2019-12-25)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.16.2 (2019-12-25)
1.16.1 (2019-12-16)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.16.0 (2019-12-16)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.15.1 (2019-12-11)
- use co wrap generator for egg-bin run method (14cdb2d)
- midway-bin: do not populate exec argv to child processes (f22c858)
1.15.0 (2019-12-06)
1.14.4 (2019-11-20)
- fix lint (77177fb)
1.14.3 (2019-11-15)
- midway-bin include jest config (20e2a86)
1.14.2 (2019-11-10)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.14.1 (2019-11-03)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.14.0 (2019-11-01)
- add egg-init args (d6c3582)
- support npm registry parameter (d9adfcf)
- use new generator for midway-init (634b748)
1.13.0 (2019-10-16)
- export IBoot and IgnoreOrMatch from egg (d5abb3d)
1.12.1 (2019-10-12)
- midway-bin: remove findFramework()
1.12.0 (2019-10-11)
- midway-bin: add and export functions (80ef6b8)
1.11.6 (2019-09-30)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.11.5 (2019-09-06)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.11.4 (2019-09-06)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.11.3 (2019-09-06)
1.11.2 (2019-08-30)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.11.1 (2019-08-10)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.11.0 (2019-08-09)
- boilerplate: enable source map for stack trace (77afc3f)
- web: use set to avoid duplicate lookup (21e44f9)
1.10.9 (2019-08-06)
- app/extend 没有发布到 npm (73ba51a)
1.10.8 (2019-08-03)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.10.7 (2019-08-03)
- boilerplate: missing comma in .vscode/settings.json (62fa953)
1.10.6 (2019-07-30)
- @types/mocha has a wrong version: 6.0.0 (e1a7285)
1.10.5 (2019-07-30)
- compatible with midway mock (d738b7f)
1.10.4 (2019-07-24)
- boilerplate: update vscode path match pattern for all boilerplate (88352e5)
1.10.3 (2019-07-23)
- boilerplate: sync configurations for all boilerplate (e73ae35)
- boilerplate: update deps @types/mocha for all boilerplate (d84cde1)
- boilerplate: update deps for all boilerplate (4a015e7)
- boilerplate: update nodejs requirement for all boilerplate (1602d3a), closes #279
1.10.2 (2019-07-20)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.10.1 (2019-07-18)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.10.0 (2019-07-16)
- 导出 egg 的 Service 和 Boot 类,以供用户继承 (6180040)
1.9.0 (2019-07-13)
- build: filter unnecessary files #277 (9c1be93)
- midway-init: Internal employees can not use the external network midway (3179434)
- midway-web: path might be numeric string within safelyGet() (5b48eff)
- types: use generic as typeof context within KoaMiddleware (6c963e5)
- @config(opt) decorator opt accept dot natation (4ee1959)
- boilerplate: add midway-ts-strict-boilerplate (8ee325c)
- boilerplate: enforce kebabCase style for filenames for midway-ts-strict (816941b)
- boilerplate: update midway-ts-strict (c8388f0), closes #269
- types: assign egg['Context'] to types of parameter of context (ea511fa)
- types: export and use type MiddlewareParamArray (90b4e28)
- types: update types of utils.ts (c76db38), closes #258
- types: update webLoader.ts (fb534bb)
1.8.0 (2019-06-29)
- test: param controller test add await (b955427)
- make routeArgsInfo Optional (4ed5443)
- package.json restore mkdir package (c2ec7ba)
- types: add file/files opt types (f40b03e)
1.7.0 (2019-06-25)
- webloader: remove routerArgs concat (9feb872)
- controller opt support sensitive opt (780f5d7)
1.6.3 (2019-06-13)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.6.2 (2019-06-12)
- fix tsconfig in template (1680d29)
1.6.1 (2019-06-11)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.6.0 (2019-06-11)
- types: duplicate import of the controller (2b4600a)
- types: import and use Context for boilerplate (d183196)
- vscode: add launch.json for vscode debug (9741a53)
- vscode: add settings.json for vscode (f7d178b)
1.5.6 (2019-05-13)
- copy files by src dir (ad7c28d)
1.5.5 (2019-05-13)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.5.4 (2019-05-09)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.5.3 (2019-05-08)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.5.2 (2019-04-29)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.5.1 (2019-04-15)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.5.0 (2019-04-11)
- fix midway-init ci error (8f32dcb)
- add project options in midway-bin (c635057)
1.4.10 (2019-03-12)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.9 (2019-03-11)
- fix loadDir default path (9defd2d)
1.4.8 (2019-03-11)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.7 (2019-03-08)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.6 (2019-03-07)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.5 (2019-03-06)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.4 (2019-03-06)
1.4.3 (2019-03-01)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.2 (2019-02-28)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.1 (2019-02-27)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.4.0 (2019-02-24)
- add egg definition (5d28443)
1.3.2 (2019-02-22)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.3.1 (2019-02-18)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.3.0 (2019-02-12)
- remove inject api generator (203478e)
1.2.4 (2019-02-11)
- fix default logdir for alinode plugin (1f737f7)
1.2.3 (2019-02-01)
1.2.2 (2019-01-30)
1.2.1 (2019-01-30)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.2.0 (2019-01-29)
- app.runSchedule task key (29249e9)
- midway-mock支持applicationContext获取ctx依赖注入,支持mock IoC容器中的对象方法 (4f07c6d)
- transform injection to another github repo (5f39ea9)
1.1.2 (2019-01-27)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.1.1 (2019-01-23)
- remove application definition from egg (218cf3b)
1.1.0 (2019-01-23)
1.0.5 (2019-01-07)
1.0.4 (2018-12-29)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.0.3 (2018-12-27)
- remove pull template from github and add doc for windows (3ac69ef)
1.0.2 (2018-12-26)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.0.1 (2018-12-23)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
1.0.0 (2018-12-23)
- Release v1.0.0
0.7.1 (2018-12-18)
- lock egg-schedule version (668a4b3)
0.7.0 (2018-12-09)
- Boolean type resolution error in xml (b3a35e4)
0.6.5 (2018-11-27)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
0.6.4 (2018-11-21)
- change default search directory (ae189df)
0.6.3 (2018-11-20)
- fix invoke loadController repeatedly (8342649)
0.6.2 (2018-11-20)
- Increase cron and interval and other parameter expansion (#62) (ccd0114)
- not only inject properties that declared on the property (b1fe4e2)
0.6.1 (2018-11-19)
- fix load order and user can cover default dir (990ddcb)
0.6.0 (2018-11-15)
- agent not work (f43c553)
- agent startup become compatible between egg&midway (47f46c3)
- build not midway-bin (f16b9db)
- egg-schedule plugin retrieve dir (6a94e01)
- logger & build scripts (c2e29aa)
- run task with wront ctx & fill tests (94d95c3)
- schedule build file not published (e14be5b)
- init midway-schedule (4442bd1)
0.5.1 (2018-11-15)
- schedule build file not published (4150ce2)
0.5.0 (2018-11-15)
- agent not work (c7cf3a9)
- agent startup become compatible between egg&midway (05c98aa)
- build not midway-bin (5b9667f)
- egg-schedule plugin retrieve dir (8429332)
- logger & build scripts (ef1a948)
- run task with wront ctx & fill tests (30a0741)
- init midway-schedule (82cc9e1)
0.4.7 (2018-11-15)
- fix load dir bug in js mode (8c148f3)
0.4.6 (2018-11-14)
- add ts autoload directory (a6668fb)
- fix dep map generator err in constructor inject (9d7abe6)
- fix set app use defineProperty (d94d5e9)
- lint & test failed (0a3fb74)
0.4.5 (2018-11-05)
- fix app.root (33d730c)
0.2.10 (2018-08-20)
Note: Version bump only for package midway
0.2.9 (2018-08-16)
0.2.8 (2018-08-15)
- fix framework name and support load server options from pkg (b8b4c7d)
- fix template and modify ts register method (1857c08)
- support typescript in dependencies (b532a90)
0.2.7 (2018-08-10)
- bind method definition missing (79685db)
- export bootstrap file (d2bd919)
- export bootstrap file (1337926)
- module name (c00d20c)
0.2.6 (2018-08-08)
0.2.5 (2018-08-06)
- ts-node register twice (b405159)