Map and navigation app for Symbian OS 9.x smartphones powered by Series S60 3rd/5th Edition.
- Map with four OpenStreetMap layers available:
- Show phone location on the map using GPS
- Can work without GPS (no positioning)
- Map tiles caching (you can see previously viewed area without network connection)
- Display and edit landmarks
- Multilanguage:
- English
- Spanish
- Galician
- Portuguese
- Russian
- Polish
- Hebrew
- Latin American Spanish
- Ukrainian
- Both keypad and touch ui supports
- Free and Open Source software
- Move: ←/↑/→/↓ (or 2/4/6/8)
- Zoom in: ▲ volume key (or 1)
- Zoom out: ▼ volume key (or 3)
- Landmarks:
- Create or rename: 5
- Delete: C (clear key)
- Touch top / bottom / left / right side of the screen — to move up / down / left / right
- Touch and hold — to move continuously
- Swipe left / right — to zoom out / zoom in
- Swipe up / down — to show / hide softkeys (on-screen Options & Exit)
This software was tested on:
- Smarthones:
Nokia 808 (thanks to WunderWungiel)OK
Nokia 5530 XM (thanks to Baranovskiy Konstantin)OK
Nokia 5800 (thanks to fedor4ever)OK
Nokia C5-00 5MP (thanks to Men770)OK
Nokia E52 (thanks to Fizolas)OK
Nokia E63 (thanks to Fizolas)OK
Nokia E71 (thanks to misheu12)OK
Nokia E72 (thanks to Fizolas)OK
Nokia N8 (thanks to Alistair Inglis)OK
Nokia N95 8GB (my phone)OK
Samsung SGH-i550 (thanks to Ilya Vysotsky)
- Emulators:
EKA2L1 (here is issue thread)
NOTE: If you can test it works (or not) on other Series S60 devices or emulators, let me know. Also send me some screenshots in order to check a look on different sizes/orientations.
- Download and install
(unsigned!) package from release page. - If your smartphone is locked (by default):
- Sign package with developer certificate (details);
- Install already signed package on your smartphone.
- If your smartphone is unlocked ('rooted') you may install provided unsigned package directly.
All data stored in directory E:\Data\S60Maps\
(note: E drive used regardles of on which drive program installed). Map cache located in E:\Data\S60Maps\cache\_PAlbTN\<map service>\
Settings store in store.dat
file. If you have problems with application to run, try to delete this file and run again.
S60Maps uses phone's landmark database and all of them will be accessed within the application. New landmarks will be added to S60Maps
Read docs/
- Add support for other map layers and WMS services (like OSM bicycle, OSM humanitarian, OpenTopoMap, etc...)
- Add ability to define custom map layers providing tile`s URLs
- Update old cached tiles (done: manually for viewed area)
- Display and edit landmarks
- Search (using Nominatim)
- Show satellites info (amount, signal strength, etc...)
- Offline maps (zipped set of PNGs)
This is Open Source software licensed under GNU GPL v3.0
- PayPal: [email protected]
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