Android library designed to greatly simplify the implementation process of an MVVM-based application by providing all the means necessary to solve the common problems and avoid the annoying boilerplate code.
The library is accompanied by a comprehensive Demo Application that is built around MVVM and Clean Architecture concepts. The Demo Application utilizes such popular libraries as: RxJava, Dagger2, Android Navigation Architecture Component, OkHttp, Retrofit, Room, Glide.
Android MVVM Library will make the implementation of your MVVM-based application a trivial task thus allowing you to spend more time focusing on other important things.
- Demo
- Getting Started
- Modules
- Basic Implementation
- Dagger Based Implementation
- Navigation Component Based Implementation
- Navigation Component and Dagger Based Implementation
- Contribution
- Hall of Fame
- License
Marvel Universe Application is an application built around MVVM and Clean Architecture concepts, as well as the data provided by the Marvel API. The application allows you to browse through the Marvel comics, events and characters; each of the aforementioned entities is accompanied by a corresponding detailed overview screen, which gives you even more insight into the Marvel Universe.
1. Make sure that you've added the jcenter()
repository to your top-level build.gradle
buildscript {
repositories {
2. Enable the jetifier and androidX support in the top-level
3. Update your compileSdkVersion
in the module-level build.gradle
file to 28+.
android {
compileSdkVersion 28
4. Enable the Data Binding in the module-level build.gradle
android {
dataBinding {
enabled true
5. Replace your*
dependency with the new androidx.appcompat.*
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2"
6. Add the Android Lifecycle (ViewModel), RxJava and RxBus dependencies to the module-level build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "androidx.lifecycle:lifecycle-viewmodel:2.0.0"
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.7"
implementation "io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1"
implementation "com.arthurivanets.rxbus:rxbus:1.0.1"
implementation "com.arthurivanets.rxbus:rxbus-android:1.0.1"
The basic implementation must include the core module
implementation "com.arthurivanets.mvvm:mvvm-core:X.Y.Z"
Which should be added to your module-level build.gradle
ext {
androidMvvmLibraryVersion = "1.0.0"
dependencies {
implementation "com.arthurivanets.mvvm:mvvm-core:$androidMvvmLibraryVersion"
After that you can proceed with further implementation.
See: Basic Implementation, Dagger Based Implementation, Navigation Component Based Implementation, Navigation Component and Dagger Based Implementation
The library is comprised of several modules, namely:
- core implementation (Required)mvvm-dagger
- Dagger DI based implementation (Optional)mvvm-navigation
- Android Navigation Component based implementation (Optional)mvvm-navigation-dagger
- Android Navigation Component + Dagger DI based implementation (Optional)
The mvvm-core
module is a core module the other modules depend on. It provides all the means necessary to create the MVVM-based Fragments and Activities, as well the corresponding ViewModels. (See: MvvmFragment
, MvvmActivity
, BaseViewModel
, AbstractViewModel
, ViewModelEvent
The mvvm-dagger
module is a module that provides the MvvmActivity
and MvvmFragment
implementations that automatically handle the injection of the Dagger DI
The mvvm-navigation
module is a module that provides the MvvmActivity
and MvvmFragment
implementations with built-in support for the Android Navigation Component
based navigation.
module is a module that provides the MvvmActivity
and MvvmFragment
implementations that have both the built-in support for the Android Navigation Component
based navigation and automatic handling of the injection of the Dagger DI
The basic implementation consists of 4 simple steps, namely:
- Creation of the ViewModel
- Creation of the ViewModel-specific events
- Creation of the
for the Activity/Fragment - Implementation of the Activity/Fragment
So, let's start with the creation of the ViewModel for our Activity and/or Fragment.
SimpleViewModel.kt [contract] (click to expand)
interface SimpleViewModel : BaseViewModel {
val loadingStateHolder : ObservableField<Boolean>
// The rest of your observable fields and event propagation methods should be defined here
The ViewModel contract should implement the
SimpleViewModelImpl.kt [concrete implementation] (click to expand)
class SimpleViewModelImpl : AbstractViewModel(), SimpleViewModel {
val loadingStateHolder = ObservableField(false)
// Your concrete implementation...
The concrete implementation of the ViewModel should extend the
class and implement the corresponding contract interface.
Then, create the ViewModel-specific events.
SimpleViewModelEvents.kt (click to expand)
sealed class SimpleViewModelEvents<T>(payload : T? = null) : ViewModelEvent<T>(payload) {
class SimpleEvent : SimpleViewModelEvents<Unit>()
// The rest of your ViewModel Events go here...
The implementation of the ViewModel-specific events should be based upon the
After that, let's create the layout.xml
files for both our Activity and Fragment.
activity_simple_mvvm.xml + fragment_simple_mvvm.xml (click to expand)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Data-binding-related -->
<!-- The Content Layout -->
<!-- Your content layout goes here... -->
Finally, let's implement the MVVM-based Activity and Fragment.
SimpleMvvmActivity.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.MvvmActivity
class SimpleMvvmActivity : MvvmActivity<ActivitySimpleMvvmBinding, SimpleViewModel>() {
private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel
override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()
// The rest of the Activity Initialization goes here...
override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...
localViewModel.loadingStateHolder.register { /* Handle the field state change */ }
override fun onViewModelEvent(event : ViewModelEvent<*>) {
// handle the events emitted by the ViewModel here...
when(event) {
is SimpleViewModelEvents.SimpleEvent -> { /* Do something... */ }
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_simple_mvvm
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel
The implementation of the MVVM Activity should be based upon the Core
SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.MvvmFragment
class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment<FragmentSimpleMvvmBinding, SimpleViewModel>() {
private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel
override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()
// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...
override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...
localViewModel.loadingStateHolder.register { /* Handle the field state change */ }
override fun onViewModelEvent(event : ViewModelEvent<*>) {
// handle the events emitted by the ViewModel here...
when(event) {
is SimpleViewModelEvents.SimpleEvent -> { /* Do something... */ }
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel
The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Core
The MvvmActivity
, MvvmFragment
and AbstractViewModel
classes provide many convenience methods for dealing with the lifecycle of the ObservableField subscriptions and Rx disposbles, so it's definitely a good idea to look through the implementations in order to familiarize yourself with the available APIs.
The Dagger-based implementation process is almost identical to the one of the Basic Implementation, the only thing that's different here is the fact that you need to use the MvvmActivity
and MvvmFragment
provided by the mvvm-dagger
module instead of the ones coming from the mvvm-core
SimpleMvvmActivity.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.dagger.MvvmActivity
class SimpleMvvmActivity : MvvmActivity<ActivitySimpleMvvmBinding, SimpleViewModel>() {
private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel
// The rest of the Activity Initialization goes here...
override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...
localViewModel.loadingStateHolder.register { /* Handle the field state change */ }
override fun onViewModelEvent(event : ViewModelEvent<*>) {
// handle the events emitted by the ViewModel here...
when(event) {
is SimpleViewModelEvents.SimpleEvent -> { /* Do something... */ }
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_simple_mvvm
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel
The implementation of the MVVM Activity should be based upon the Dagger
SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.dagger.MvvmFragment
class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment<FragmentSimpleMvvmBinding, SimpleViewModel>() {
private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel
// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...
override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...
localViewModel.loadingStateHolder.register { /* Handle the field state change */ }
override fun onViewModelEvent(event : ViewModelEvent<*>) {
// handle the events emitted by the ViewModel here...
when(event) {
is SimpleViewModelEvents.SimpleEvent -> { /* Do something... */ }
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel
The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Dagger
The Navigation Component based implementation process has many things in common with the Basic Implementation; the differences are shown in the code snippets below.
activity_host.xml (click to expand)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Data-binding-related -->
<!-- The Actual Layout -->
should be used as a Navigation Host Fragment of the Host Activity.
HostActivity.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.navigation.MvvmActivity
class HostActivity : MvvmActivity<ActivityHostBinding, StubViewModel>() {
private var localViewModel : StubViewModel
override fun injectDependencies() {
localViewModel = StubViewModelImpl()
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.activity_host
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : HostActivityViewModel {
return localViewModel
override fun getNavigationGraphId() : Int {
return R.navigation.your_navigation_graph
The implementation of the Host Activity should be based upon the Navigation
SimpleMvvmFragment.kt (click to expand)
import com.arthurivanets.mvvm.navigation.MvvmFragment
class SimpleMvvmFragment : MvvmFragment<FragmentSimpleMvvmBinding, SimpleViewModel>() {
private lateinit var localViewModel : SimpleViewModel
override fun injectDependencies() {
// Initialize your View Model here...
localViewModel = SimpleViewModelImpl()
// The rest of the Fragment Initialization goes here...
override fun onRegisterObservables() {
// Register your ViewModel's observable fields here...
localViewModel.loadingStateHolder.register { /* Handle the field state change */ }
override fun onViewModelEvent(event : ViewModelEvent<*>) {
// handle the events emitted by the ViewModel here...
when(event) {
is SimpleViewModelEvents.SimpleEvent -> { /* Do something... */ }
override fun getLayoutId() : Int {
return R.layout.fragment_simple_mvvm
override fun getBindingVariable() : Int {
return BR.viewModel
override fun getViewModel() : SimpleViewModel {
return localViewModel
The implementation of the MVVM Fragment should be based upon the Navigation
Shares many implementation-specific aspects with the previously described implementation types and is used in the Demo Application
See the file.
Using Android MVVM Library in your app and want it to get listed here? Email me at [email protected]!
Android MVVM Library is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.