An automated web interface testing service with fronted dashboard
##Usage On the backend everything is exposed via the praha cli application. Using this, one can add, list and run tests. Adding results in putting a python file in the tests folder. Running simply uses said file to run the procedure within, on completion screenshots, logs and a gif is placed in a data store. The frontend simply calls an API that exposes this bin tool with a REST interface.
- Node API
- JS Frontend
- Python unit-test framework based on Selenium for web tests
|- tests
|- bin
|- praha
Calls the praha cli program to list and run tests
/test GET Get all tests done
/test/:id GET Get a particular test with id of :id
/test/:id POST Run a test
- Show a list of available tests
- Open to show overview for each test; name, runs, latest status, graphs, gifs
- Main python file to run program
- CLI apps in bin to run interactively
- Available tests in class files in ‘tests’ folder
The test files are class files containing sublasses of a given "PrahaTest" class. This superclass takes care of supplying a webdriver, logging functions, screenshot functions, completion cleanup/transfer to store/gif generation.