Simple Kalman Filter for estimating objects in odom frame. Includes a general ekf implementation which can be configured for use with generic process and sensor model.
Kalman Filter:
state vector: x = [x, y, z, phi, theta, psi] measurement vector: y = [x, y, z, phi, theta, psi]
process model: x_dot = 0 + v measurement model: y = I_6x6 * x
Important Files in ekf_python2: contains a parent class for dynamic models and as many different dynamic models as need to be defined as subclasses contains a parent class for sensor models and as many different sensor models as need to be defined as subclasses contains a class implementing the ekf equations. In the case of linear model this will collapse to a standard Kalman Filter contains a class which implements multivariate gaussians
Pip3/pip requirement: pip install dataclasses