The Lucene module provides integration with the Lucene 4 indexing library.
Maven integration
Add the following dependencies to your Maven project :
Creating the query types
With fields year and title a manually created query type could look something like this:
public class QDocument extends EntityPathBase<Document>{
private static final long serialVersionUID = -4872833626508344081L;
public QDocument(String var) {
super(Document.class, PathMetadataFactory.forVariable(var));
public final StringPath year = createString("year");
public final StringPath title = createString("title");
QDocument represents a Lucene document with the fields year and title.
Code generation is not available for Lucene, since no schema data is available.
Querying with Querydsl Lucene is as simple as this:
QDocument doc = new QDocument("doc");
IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(index);
LuceneQuery query = new LuceneQuery(true, searcher);
List<Document> documents = query
.where(doc.year.between("1800", "2000").and(doc.title.startsWith("Huckle"))
which is transformed into the following Lucene query :
+year:[1800 TO 2000] +title:huckle*
For more information on the Querydsl Lucene module visit the reference documentation