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Curated list of design and UI resources from stock photos, web templates, CSS frameworks, UI libraries, tools and much more
lukehaas / CodeMirror
Forked from codemirror/codemirror5In-browser code editor
gorkemgoknar / kernl-turing
Forked from ELS-RD/kernlKernl lets you run PyTorch transformer models several times faster on GPU with a single line of code, and is designed to be easily hackable.
serp-ai / bark-with-voice-clone
Forked from suno-ai/bark🔊 Text-prompted Generative Audio Model - With the ability to clone voices
longredzhong / facexlib
Forked from xinntao/facexlibFaceXlib aims at providing ready-to-use face-related functions based on current STOA open-source methods.
vasturiano / d3-force-3d
Forked from d3/d3-forceForce-directed graph layout in 1D, 2D or 3D using velocity Verlet integration.
favreau / Sol-R
Forked from cyrillefavreau/Sol-ROpen-Source CUDA/OpenCL Speed Of Light Ray-tracer