This is a cloud-first alternative to plex designed for large-scale deployments with potentially hundreds of concurrent streamers and with media libraries larger than can be stored on a single conventional server. Media is stored in S3 or Google Drive and is indexed by a centralized database. Multiple installations can share a single datastore and distribute load.
HarmonyTV can be placed behind a load balancer or reverse proxy, some specific routing rules may be required however to support heavy load.
- step 1
git clone
cd harmonytv/harmonybackend/ && npm i && cd ../harmonyfrontend/ && npm i && cd ..
- step 2: edit configuration files in
harmonybackend/src/config.example.js -> harmonyfrontend/src/config.js
harmonyfrontend/src/config.example.js -> harmonyfrontend/src/config.js
- step 3: start the development website
docker-compose -f up
- or the production website after configuring SSL keys
docker-compose up