ML-ProjectYard is a curated place for all Machine Learning
, Deep Learning
,Computer Vision
based projects with frontend
and backend
These projects would be deployable ready and can be deployed at any of the platforms with minimum tweaks.
These projects will also help in practical learning for new ML/AI enthusiasts.
This project is for everyone with any tech stacks. ML, DL, NLP, CV enthusiasts, UI/UX designers, frontend designers, backend developers everyone has some tasks for you.
- Data Analysts
- Frame the problem, Get the data, Explore the data,Prepare the data
- ML, DL, NLP, CV enthusiasts
- Try different algorithms, build model, fine tuning the model if required
- UI/UX designers
- Design dashboards,froms, webpages for the model
- Backend Developers
- Create Backend for the model using Flask or Django
- Frontend Designers
- Design/code the webpage designed by designers.
To contribute to ML-ProjectYard, follow these steps:
- Fork this repository.
- Create a branch:
git checkout -b <branch_name>
. - Make your changes and commit them:
git commit -m '<commit_message>'
- Push to the original branch:
git push origin <project_name>/<location>
- Create the pull request.
Alternatively see the GitHub documentation on creating a pull request. | Project Name | Description |
1 | Airbnb Price Prediciton | Predicting price of airbnb room based on parameters like neighbourhood, reviews, availability, etc. |
2 | Ames House Price Prediction | Model to predict the sale price of houses in Ames, IA based on various factors like area,neighbourhood etc |
3 | Banglore House Prices Prediction | Model to predict price of houses in Banglore based on location and other factors |
4 | Bank Note Authentication | Model as well as webapp for checking the authenticity of a bank note |
5 | Bike Sharing Demand Prediction | Predicting bike sharing demand in different time and season |
6 | Bitcoin Price Predictor | Model to the price of bitcoin using historical data |
7 | Book Recommender | Model to recommend books based on books person has already read. |
8 | Brain Tumor | Model that can predict brain tumor when given an brain MRI scan as input |
9 | Butterfly Classification | Classifying Butterfly into different species based on images . |
10 | Cancer Prediction Model | Predicting breast cancer using medical data |
11 | Cartoonify | Cartoonifying image using open cv |
12 | Chatbot | Python Chatbot using natural language processing and deep learning. |
13 | Chennai House Price Prediction | Model to predict price of houses in Chennai based on location and other factors |
14 | Covid-19 Analysis | Analysis of covid-19 in different countries using pandas and numpy |
15 | Delhi House Price Prediction | Model to predict price of houses in Delhi based on location and other factors |
16 | Diabetes Predictor | This project involves prediction of diabetes, given certain health parameters such as BMI, Blood Pressure etc. |
17 | Emotion Prediction | Flask webapp for emotion prediction using words typed by user |
18 | Fifa Playing 11 | Predicitng best fifa team using performance data of players |
19 | Face Mask Detection | This is a Real-Time Face Mask Detector with Python, OpenCV, and Keras |
20 | Face Recognition | Face detection using KNN classification |
21 | Face Detection | This is a face detection CNN model |
22 | Fake News Prediction | Model to predict fake new of online chat platforms |
23 | Fashion MNIST Clothing Classification | Model to classify different clothing items based on the Fashion MNIST Dataset |
24 | Fertilizer Prediction Model | Model to predict ferilizer quality using Xgboost |
25 | Flight Delay Prediction | Prediction of flight delay using past data |
26 | Gender Classification | Classification of Gender using deep learning model |
27 | Generating Art | Art generation using machine learning |
28 | Gold Prediction Model | Model to predict gold prices using hidtoric data |
29 | Graduate Admission Predictor | In this project we predict whether an applicant will get accepetd for the graduate program or not |
30 | Hand Written Digit Recognition | Handwritten digit recognition app using the MNIST dataset |
31 | Heart Failure Prediction | This project involves prediction of heart failure using health parameters like platelets, blood pressure level etc. |
32 | Heart Disease Prediction | Model for end to end heart disease classification |
33 | Ipl Analysis | This project involves the analysis of the following with the IPL-T20 matches from the year 2008 till 2020 |
34 | Image classification | Image classification using CNN based on Cifar-10 dataset |
35 | Imagenet classification | Flask Webapp for classifying images . |
36 | Invisibility Cloak | Implementation of invisibility cloak using open cv |
37 | Iris Flower Classification | Webapp for classifying iris flower in different group using dimensional and other parameters |
38 | Kaggle 2020 Survey Analysis | Extensive Data Analysis on Kaggle 2020 Survey Data |
39 | Kannada Digits Prediction Model | Predicting kannada digits using tensorflow and computer vision |
40 | Kolkata House Price Prediction | Model to predict price of houses in Kolkata based on location and other factors |
41 | Loan Prediction | Predicting loan based on gender, age, job, etc. |
42 | Ml-Project Yard | Web app using django in the backend |
43 | Malaria Detection | Convolution Neural Network ML Model that will be able to predict with a certain amount of accuracy whether or not an image of a cell has been infected with Malaria or not. |
44 | Mall Customer Segmentation | Model to Segment Mall Customers into different groups(clusters). |
45 | Mileage Predictor | Mileage predictor app using django in the backend |
46 | Movie Recommendation | Movie recommendation model using machine learning |
47 | Music Genre Classification | Model for classifying music genre using KNN |
48 | Number Plate Detection | Detection of Indian number plates using machine learning |
49 | Ramen Ratings Data Visualization | EDA on Ramen Rating Dataset |
50 | Road Lane Line Detection | Computer vision project that aims to detect the road lane lines which is an integral part of self driving or autonomous cars |
51 | Solar Radiation Prediction | A GUI made using Tkinter for solar radiation prediction |
52 | Spam Message Detector | Detecting spam using Logistic Regression |
53 | Speech Emotion Recognition | Emotion Recognition based on Speech using CNN model |
54 | Speech Recognition System | Made using google speech to text library, google text to speech library and google translate library and also wikipedia library for fetching useful information through our voice |
55 | Spotify EDA | EDA on the Spotify data containing atributes like track played , date ,time etc |
56 | Stock Price Prediction | Using machine learning and historic data to predict stock prices |
57 | Stroke Prediction Webapp | This Web App is used to predict whether a patient is likely to get stroke based on the input parameters like gender, age, various diseases, and smoking status |
58 | Text Sentiment Analysis (Webapp) | Webapp to analyze the sentiment of a given text |
59 | Text Summarization | Summarization of text, implemented using python |
60 | Titanic Prediction | Predicting the survival rates of passengers |
61 | Traffic Forecasting | Predicting Traffic rates using machine learning |
62 | Twitch Streamers Analysis | Analysing the top streamers on twitch base on watch time,avg viewers ,followers etc |
63 | Twitter Sentiment Analysis | Predicting sentiment of a user, using Logistic Regression |
64 | Twitter Sentiment Analysis Webapp | Webapp to predict the sentiment of a user on twitter. |
65 | Uber Analysis | Model to predict availability of uber during particular time, day etc |
66 | Vehicle And Pedestrian Tracking | Tracking vehicle and pedestrian using open cv |
67 | Walmart Sales Prediction | Model to predict walmart sales using historic data |
68 | Water Soil Wetness Prediction | CNN model to predict wetness of soil wetness (either soil is dry,wet or extreamly wet) |
69 | Weather Forecasting | Weather prediction using Decision Tree Regressor |
70 | Wine Quality Test | Prediction of wine quality based of different amount of element present in wine |
71 | Food Outlet Profit Prediction | Predicting the profit for a food outlet based on population of the area. |
If you want to contact me you can reach me at [email protected].