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Database format
In db/ folder, there is one file for each PHP version.
The sqlite files CANNOT be access directly (forced to use the report interface).

Each sqlite file has the following schema :

    `id_report` bigint(20) NOT NULL,
    `test_name` varchar(128) NOT NULL,
    `output` STRING NOT NULL,
    `diff` STRING NOT NULL,
    `signature` binary(16) NOT NULL
CREATE TABLE reports (
    id integer primary key AUTOINCREMENT,
    date datetime NOT NULL,
    status smallint(1) not null,
    nb_failed unsigned int(10)  NOT NULL,
    nb_expected_fail unsigned int(10)  NOT NULL,
    build_env STRING NOT NULL,
    phpinfo STRING NOT NULL,
    user_email varchar(64) default null

The SQLite file is created in parserfunc.php:insertToDb_phpmaketest()
if the sqlite file '$VERSION.sqlite' does not exist.

Each report adds a line in `reports` table with the following fields :
  - id : integer auto incremented
  - date : date the report was sent
  - status : 0 = failed, 1 = success. If status is something else (should not !), we exit()
  - nb_failed : number of tests failed
  - nb_expected_fail : number of expected failed tests
  - build_env : build environment
  - phpinfo : phpinfo() output
  - user_email : email mangled (user at domain dot com)

Then, for each failed test, we add a line in `failed` table :
 - id : integer auto increment
 - id_report : id of the report
 - test_name : path of the test. Example : "/ext/hash/tests/mhash_001.phpt"
 - output : full output of test
 - diff : diff of test compared to what was expected. There may be some glitches with spaces and %s
 - signature : binary(16) built with md5($name.'__'.$test['diff'])
   In URLs, the binary md5 is transformed as base64 (like 03410e89b1d2737ce178a795f298ae64).
   It is used to track differencies between each failed test in DB : we compare only the signature,
   which is simpler than checking every diff.

When do we have new reports ?
When you do a 'make test' on your PHP sourcedir, you can send a report when something went wrong.
If you do this, the test program will build a flat file containing all failed tests output/diff
and send it to (via POST method).
Previously, this page only sent the report to a dedicated mailing list (qa-reports at
We now add a parser that intercept the data and send it to the function located in
This function transforms (with much regexp) the data (a big string in php format) to an array.
This array is then given to reports/parserfunc.php:insertToDb_phpmaketest() that insert it to the
sqlite file for this PHP version.

What's planned ?
So much to do... and so little time (Batman). Please take a look at todo.txt