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This is the official vim plugin for ReScript.

If you are experiencing any troubles, open an issue or visit our Forum and ask for guidance.


Supported Workflows:

  • Plain VIM (without any third party plugins)
  • LSP + coc-vim


  • Syntax highlighting for ReSript files
  • Filetype detection for .res, .resi
  • Basic automatic indentation
  • Includes LSP for coc-vim usage
  • Proper tooling detection for monorepo like setups (yarn workspaces)

Provided by vim-rescript commands:

  • Formatting .res files w/ syntax error diagnostics in VIM quickfix
  • Convert existing .re /.rei files to .res /.resi
  • Type hint for current cursor position
  • Jump to definition for current cursor position
  • Building the current projec w/ build diagnostics in VIM quickfix
  • Autocompletion w/ Vim's omnicomplete

Monorepo support:

The vim-rescript plugin automatically updates its project environment on each file open separately.

  • Tested for yarn workspaces (see [./examples/monorepo-yarn-workspaces])
  • Note for non-LSP usage: Always make sure to switch to a .res file within the project you want to compile before running :RescriptBuild etc.

See :h rescript for the detailed helpfile.


The plugin works with projects based on [email protected] or later


vim-rescript can be installed either manually or by using your favourite plugin manager.

" vim-plug
Plug 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

" Vundle
Plugin 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

" NeoBundle
NeoBundle 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript'

You can also pin your installation to specific tags (check our releases here):

Plug 'rescript-lang/vim-rescript', {'tag': 'v2.0.0'}

Using vim-rescript with COC

(:h rescript-coc)

Our plugin comes with all the necessary tools (LSP + editor-support binaries for Windows, Mac, Linux) to set up coc-vim. After the installation, open your coc config (:CocConfig) and add the following configuration:

"languageserver": {
  "rescript": {
    "enable": true,
    "module": "~/.config/nvim/plugged/vim-rescript/server/out/server.js",
    "args": ["--node-ipc"],
    "filetypes": ["rescript"],
    "rootPatterns": ["bsconfig.json"]
  • The config above assumes that you were using vim-plug for plugin installations.
  • Adapt your module path according to the install location of your vim-rescript plugin.
  • Save the configuration, run :CocRestart and open a (built) ReScript project and check your code for type-hints.

Note: Even if you are using COC, we recommend checking out the builtin commands that come with vim-rescript (`:h rescript-commands).

Using vim-rescript's functionality (no vim-coc, no vim-ale, etc)

(:h rescript-config)

Vim comes with a set of useful functions that are completely self contained and work with any neovim setup without any plugins:

:h :RescriptFormat
:h :RescriptUpgradeFromReason
:h :RescriptBuild
:h :RescriptTypeHint
:h :RescriptJumpToDefinition
:h :RescriptInfo

Please refer to the doc file for more details!

We don't come with any predefined keybindings, but provide a basic set of keymappings down below.

Basic Key Bindings

These bindings won't collide with any other mappings in your vimrc setup, since they are scoped to rescript buffers only:

" Note that <buffer> allows us to use different commands with the same keybindings depending
" on the filetype. This is useful if to override your e.g. ALE bindings while working on
" ReScript projects.
autocmd FileType rescript nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>r :RescriptFormat<CR>
autocmd FileType rescript nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>t :RescriptTypeHint<CR>
autocmd FileType rescript nnoremap <silent> <buffer> <localleader>b :RescriptBuild<CR>
autocmd FileType rescript nnoremap <silent> <buffer> gd :RescriptJumpToDefinition<CR>

Configure omnicomplete Support

(:h rescript-omnicomplete)

We support auto-completion with Vim's builtin omnifunc, which is triggered with C-x C-o in insert mode to look for autocomplete candidates.

While omnicomplete's dialog is open, use C-n / C-p to navigate to the next / previous item

" Hooking up the ReScript autocomplete function
set omnifunc=rescript#Complete

" When preview is enabled, omnicomplete will display additional
" information for a selected item
set completeopt+=preview


  • amirales: Started the plugin w/ syntax & indent functionality


No description, website, or topics provided.







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  • Vim Script 72.9%
  • ReScript 13.1%
  • Lua 13.0%
  • Makefile 1.0%