- The DNS name or IP address of the server (e.g., dc.domain.local)
- Server port (e.g., 389 for LDAP and 636 for LDAP using SSL)
Protocol Version
- 3 (Difference betwen LDAPv3 and LDAPv2
Base DN
- This is your search base for LDAP queries.
- This should be at least your domain root, (e.g., dc=domain,dc=local) You can define this as a Organizational Unit if you want to narrow down the search base (e.g., ou=team,ou=company,dc=domain,dc=local)
Account Filter
- You can use different field from the username here. For pre-windows 2000 style login, use sAMAccountName and for a UPN style login use userPrincipalName.
Advanced Filter
- Enter a valid advanced filter like "(objectClass=user)(memberOf=CN=foo,OU=groups,dc=bar,dc=baz)", to filter user, groups and etc...
Bind DN
- Enter a valid user account/DN to pre-bind with if your LDAP server does not allow anonymous profile searches, or requires a user with specific privileges to search.
Bind Password
- Enter a password for the above Bind DN.