Let me introduce you new language called C+-. It consists of variables, constants, literals (string and numeric), print output function and input function. The language uses implicit dynamic typing: variables can store values of different types. There are 3 main types:
- Int (8 bytes)
- String
- Float (8 bytes)
The language also supports arithmetic operations "+" and "-" and assignment operator "=". All available types can stand on either side of arithmetic operations. In this case, the conversion rules are as follows (the order of the arguments is not important):
- String + Int/Float --> number is converted to string
- String - Int/Float --> The string is converted to an integer or fractional number, and if the string is not numeric, then its value is 0
- Float (+, -) Int --> Integer converted to fractional
Also the language has support for comments. A comment is a line starting with "//" and ending with a newline
Code example
var str = "Hello"; // variable is set via var
str = str + "!"; // variable can be changed
print(str); // the print function takes one parameter
str = 21 + 2 + 18; // can be written to the same variable number
print(str); // -> 41
val worldString = "World"; // the constant is set via val
val answerNumber = 42;
print(worldString + answerNumber); // -> World42
print(worldString - answerNumber); // -> -42
val pi = 3.14;
print(pi + answerNumber); // 45.14
val numberString = "134";
print(numberString - answerNumber); // -> 92
print(numberString + answerNumber); // -> 13492
val name = input("Name: "); // outputs "Name: " and waits for input
print("Your name is " + name);
The work of the compiler is divided into 3 stages:
- lexer is responsible for splitting the text into correct language tokens.
- Parser builds AST based on generated tokens from lexer and is responsible for its correctness.
- Translator is responsible for converting AST to C++ code.
- Compiler runs lexer, parser and translator.
Lexer uses class CharSource as a wrapper over the input file. It works in parallel with Parser. Lexer put the received tokens of one command into a pipe. Parser takes ready-made tokens from there and adds in AST. The finished AST is converted into c++ code using a Translator. In order for the translated code to compile correctly, the mixed class is added to it. The description of which in the string type lies in the LIB constant. In case of an error in the code, the CompileException error is thrown.
Approximate scheme of class Compiler
flowchart LR
direction TB
subgraph LexerWorker
direction LR
subgraph ParserWorker
Installation instructions:
git clone https://github.com/Ramzeeset/Compiler-Cpm
cd Compiler-Cpm/
If you are on the Windows platform, you should use the initializer.ps1 script. If you are using linux, then initializer.sh
After that in the folder cpm/ there will be an executable. The initializer script will try to find popular compilers on your device and ask for confirmation of use or ask you to specify the path to the compiler
how to run powershell script
cpm used similarly to gcc and others: cpm.exe file [options]...
help manual
Usage: cpm.exe file [options]...
--help Display this information.
-cmp=<src> Use your <src>. Compiler must support version from c++17. Default value <src> is stored in details/cpp_compiler_path
-o <file> Place the output into <file>