godoc2puml converts godoc formatted documentation into plantuml format.
Just type the following to install the program:
$ go get -u github.com/t-yuki/godoc2puml/...
If you want to draw a diagram as a image file, it depends on java and graphviz. you must install them:
$ sudo yum install java graphviz
$ # or, etc...
$ sudo apt-get install java graphviz
It also depends on plantuml. Well, it is already attached so you do not need to install separately.
generates a diagram for packages. You can also specify output format if you installed the above.
$ godoc2puml net/http > net.http.puml
$ java -jar plantuml.jar -pipe -tpng < net.http.puml > net.http.png
$ # NOT IMPLEMENTED YET # godoc2puml -t=png net/http > net.http.png
Other options:
Usage of godoc2puml:
-t="puml": output format
puml: write PlantUML format.
-h=false: show this help
The below is output example of "image" package. For more examples, see #1
Many, but...
- enum pattern is not recognized
- noisy
- elementType of map is not recognized as an association
- outer package type is always recognized as classes, except implemented interfaces
- ...