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New A star algorithm pr (AtsushiSakai#391)
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weicent authored Sep 20, 2020
1 parent 6f16420 commit 43ab313
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369 changes: 369 additions & 0 deletions PathPlanning/AStar/
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@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
A* algorithm
Author: Weicent
randomly generate obstacles, start and goal point
searching path from start and end simultaneously

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import math

show_animation = True

class Node:
"""node with properties of g, h, coordinate and parent node"""

def __init__(self, G=0, H=0, coordinate=None, parent=None):
self.G = G
self.H = H
self.F = G + H
self.parent = parent
self.coordinate = coordinate

def reset_f(self):
self.F = self.G + self.H

def hcost(node_coordinate, goal):
dx = abs(node_coordinate[0] - goal[0])
dy = abs(node_coordinate[1] - goal[1])
hcost = dx + dy
return hcost

def gcost(fixed_node, update_node_coordinate):
dx = abs(fixed_node.coordinate[0] - update_node_coordinate[0])
dy = abs(fixed_node.coordinate[1] - update_node_coordinate[1])
gc = math.hypot(dx, dy) # gc = move from fixed_node to update_node
gcost = fixed_node.G + gc # gcost = move from start point to update_node
return gcost

def boundary_and_obstacles(start, goal, top_vertex, bottom_vertex, obs_number):
:param start: start coordinate
:param goal: goal coordinate
:param top_vertex: top right vertex coordinate of boundary
:param bottom_vertex: bottom left vertex coordinate of boundary
:param obs_number: number of obstacles generated in the map
:return: boundary_obstacle array, obstacle list
# below can be merged into a rectangle boundary
ay = list(range(bottom_vertex[1], top_vertex[1]))
ax = [bottom_vertex[0]] * len(ay)
cy = ay
cx = [top_vertex[0]] * len(cy)
bx = list(range(bottom_vertex[0] + 1, top_vertex[0]))
by = [bottom_vertex[1]] * len(bx)
dx = [bottom_vertex[0]] + bx + [top_vertex[0]]
dy = [top_vertex[1]] * len(dx)

# generate random obstacles
ob_x = np.random.randint(bottom_vertex[0] + 1,
top_vertex[0], obs_number).tolist()
ob_y = np.random.randint(bottom_vertex[1] + 1,
top_vertex[1], obs_number).tolist()
# x y coordinate in certain order for boundary
x = ax + bx + cx + dx
y = ay + by + cy + dy
obstacle = np.vstack((ob_x, ob_y)).T.tolist()
# remove start and goal coordinate in obstacle list
obstacle = [coor for coor in obstacle if coor != start and coor != goal]
obs_array = np.array(obstacle)
bound = np.vstack((x, y)).T
bound_obs = np.vstack((bound, obs_array))
return bound_obs, obstacle

def find_neighbor(node, ob, closed):
# generate neighbors in certain condition
ob_list = ob.tolist()
neighbor: list = []
for x in range(node.coordinate[0] - 1, node.coordinate[0] + 2):
for y in range(node.coordinate[1] - 1, node.coordinate[1] + 2):
if [x, y] not in ob_list:
# find all possible neighbor nodes
neighbor.append([x, y])
# remove node violate the motion rule
# 1. remove node.coordinate itself
# 2. remove neighbor nodes who cross through two diagonal
# positioned obstacles since there is no enough space for
# robot to go through two diagonal positioned obstacles

# top bottom left right neighbors of node
top_nei = [node.coordinate[0], node.coordinate[1] + 1]
bottom_nei = [node.coordinate[0], node.coordinate[1] - 1]
left_nei = [node.coordinate[0] - 1, node.coordinate[1]]
right_nei = [node.coordinate[0] + 1, node.coordinate[1]]
# neighbors in four vertex
lt_nei = [node.coordinate[0] - 1, node.coordinate[1] + 1]
rt_nei = [node.coordinate[0] + 1, node.coordinate[1] + 1]
lb_nei = [node.coordinate[0] - 1, node.coordinate[1] - 1]
rb_nei = [node.coordinate[0] + 1, node.coordinate[1] - 1]

# remove the unnecessary neighbors
if top_nei and left_nei in ob_list and lt_nei in neighbor:
if top_nei and right_nei in ob_list and rt_nei in neighbor:
if bottom_nei and left_nei in ob_list and lb_nei in neighbor:
if bottom_nei and right_nei in ob_list and rb_nei in neighbor:
neighbor = [x for x in neighbor if x not in closed]
return neighbor

def find_node_index(coordinate, node_list):
# find node index in the node list via its coordinate
ind = 0
for node in node_list:
if node.coordinate == coordinate:
target_node = node
ind = node_list.index(target_node)
return ind

def find_path(open_list, closed_list, goal, obstacle):
# searching for the path, update open and closed list
# obstacle = obstacle and boundary
flag = len(open_list)
for i in range(flag):
node = open_list[0]
open_coordinate_list = [node.coordinate for node in open_list]
closed_coordinate_list = [node.coordinate for node in closed_list]
temp = find_neighbor(node, obstacle, closed_coordinate_list)
for element in temp:
if element in closed_list:
elif element in open_coordinate_list:
# if node in open list, update g value
ind = open_coordinate_list.index(element)
new_g = gcost(node, element)
if new_g <= open_list[ind].G:
open_list[ind].G = new_g
open_list[ind].parent = node
else: # new coordinate, create corresponding node
ele_node = Node(coordinate=element, parent=node,
G=gcost(node, element), H=hcost(element, goal))
open_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.F)
return open_list, closed_list

def node_to_coordinate(node_list):
# convert node list into coordinate list and array
coordinate_list = [node.coordinate for node in node_list]
return coordinate_list

def check_node_coincide(close_ls1, closed_ls2):
:param close_ls1: node closed list for searching from start
:param closed_ls2: node closed list for searching from end
:return: intersect node list for above two
# check if node in close_ls1 intersect with node in closed_ls2
cl1 = node_to_coordinate(close_ls1)
cl2 = node_to_coordinate(closed_ls2)
intersect_ls = [node for node in cl1 if node in cl2]
return intersect_ls

def find_surrounding(coordinate, obstacle):
# find obstacles around node, help to draw the borderline
boundary: list = []
for x in range(coordinate[0] - 1, coordinate[0] + 2):
for y in range(coordinate[1] - 1, coordinate[1] + 2):
if [x, y] in obstacle:
boundary.append([x, y])
return boundary

def get_border_line(node_closed_ls, obstacle):
# if no path, find border line which confine goal or robot
border: list = []
coordinate_closed_ls = node_to_coordinate(node_closed_ls)
for coordinate in coordinate_closed_ls:
temp = find_surrounding(coordinate, obstacle)
border = border + temp
border_ary = np.array(border)
return border_ary

def get_path(org_list, goal_list, coordinate):
# get path from start to end
path_org: list = []
path_goal: list = []
ind = find_node_index(coordinate, org_list)
node = org_list[ind]
while node != org_list[0]:
node = node.parent
ind = find_node_index(coordinate, goal_list)
node = goal_list[ind]
while node != goal_list[0]:
node = node.parent
path = path_org + path_goal
path = np.array(path)
return path

def random_coordinate(bottom_vertex, top_vertex):
# generate random coordinates inside maze
coordinate = [np.random.randint(bottom_vertex[0] + 1, top_vertex[0]),
np.random.randint(bottom_vertex[1] + 1, top_vertex[1])]
return coordinate

def draw(close_origin, close_goal, start, end, bound):
# plot the map
if not close_goal.tolist(): # ensure the close_goal not empty
# in case of the obstacle number is really large (>4500), the
# origin is very likely blocked at the first search, and then
# the program is over and the searching from goal to origin
# will not start, which remain the closed_list for goal == []
# in order to plot the map, add the end coordinate to array
close_goal = np.array([end])
plt.gcf().set_size_inches(11, 9, forward=True)
plt.plot(close_origin[:, 0], close_origin[:, 1], 'oy')
plt.plot(close_goal[:, 0], close_goal[:, 1], 'og')
plt.plot(bound[:, 0], bound[:, 1], 'sk')
plt.plot(end[0], end[1], '*b', label='Goal')
plt.plot(start[0], start[1], '^b', label='Origin')

def draw_control(org_closed, goal_closed, flag, start, end, bound, obstacle):
control the plot process, evaluate if the searching finished
flag == 0 : draw the searching process and plot path
flag == 1 or 2 : start or end is blocked, draw the border line
stop_loop = 0 # stop sign for the searching
org_closed_ls = node_to_coordinate(org_closed)
org_array = np.array(org_closed_ls)
goal_closed_ls = node_to_coordinate(goal_closed)
goal_array = np.array(goal_closed_ls)
path = None
if show_animation: # draw the searching process
draw(org_array, goal_array, start, end, bound)
if flag == 0:
node_intersect = check_node_coincide(org_closed, goal_closed)
if node_intersect: # a path is find
path = get_path(org_closed, goal_closed, node_intersect[0])
stop_loop = 1
print('Path is find!')
if show_animation: # draw the path
plt.plot(path[:, 0], path[:, 1], '-r')
plt.title('Robot Arrived', size=20, loc='center')
elif flag == 1: # start point blocked first
stop_loop = 1
print('There is no path to the goal! Start point is blocked!')
elif flag == 2: # end point blocked first
stop_loop = 1
print('There is no path to the goal! End point is blocked!')
if show_animation: # blocked case, draw the border line
info = 'There is no path to the goal!' \
' Robot&Goal are split by border' \
' shown in red \'x\'!'
if flag == 1:
border = get_border_line(org_closed, obstacle)
plt.plot(border[:, 0], border[:, 1], 'xr')
plt.title(info, size=14, loc='center')
elif flag == 2:
border = get_border_line(goal_closed, obstacle)
plt.plot(border[:, 0], border[:, 1], 'xr')
plt.title(info, size=14, loc='center')
return stop_loop, path

def searching_control(start, end, bound, obstacle):
"""manage the searching process, start searching from two side"""
# initial origin node and end node
origin = Node(coordinate=start, H=hcost(start, end))
goal = Node(coordinate=end, H=hcost(end, start))
# list for searching from origin to goal
origin_open: list = [origin]
origin_close: list = []
# list for searching from goal to origin
goal_open = [goal]
goal_close: list = []
# initial target
target_goal = end
# flag = 0 (not blocked) 1 (start point blocked) 2 (end point blocked)
flag = 0 # init flag
path = None
while True:
# searching from start to end
origin_open, origin_close = \
find_path(origin_open, origin_close, target_goal, bound)
if not origin_open: # no path condition
flag = 1 # origin node is blocked
draw_control(origin_close, goal_close, flag, start, end, bound,
# update target for searching from end to start
target_origin = min(origin_open, key=lambda x: x.F).coordinate

# searching from end to start
goal_open, goal_close = \
find_path(goal_open, goal_close, target_origin, bound)
if not goal_open: # no path condition
flag = 2 # goal is blocked
draw_control(origin_close, goal_close, flag, start, end, bound,
# update target for searching from start to end
target_goal = min(goal_open, key=lambda x: x.F).coordinate

# continue searching, draw the process
stop_sign, path = draw_control(origin_close, goal_close, flag, start,
end, bound, obstacle)
if stop_sign:
return path

def main(obstacle_number=1500):
print(__file__ + ' start!')

top_vertex = [60, 60] # top right vertex of boundary
bottom_vertex = [0, 0] # bottom left vertex of boundary

# generate start and goal point randomly
start = random_coordinate(bottom_vertex, top_vertex)
end = random_coordinate(bottom_vertex, top_vertex)

# generate boundary and obstacles
bound, obstacle = boundary_and_obstacles(start, end, top_vertex,

path = searching_control(start, end, bound, obstacle)
if not show_animation:

if __name__ == '__main__':
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions tests/
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
from unittest import TestCase
import os
import sys

sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(__file__) + '/../')

from PathPlanning.AStar import A_Star_searching_from_two_side as m
except ImportError:

class Test(TestCase):

def test1(self):
m.show_animation = False

def test2(self):
m.show_animation = False
m.main(5000) # increase obstacle number, block path

if __name__ == '__main__':
test = Test()

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