:::{php:namespace} Atk4\Ui :::
:::{php:class} Text :::
Text is a component for abstracting several paragraphs of text. It's usage is simple and straightforward:
First argument of constructor or first element in array passed to constructor will be the text that will appear on the label:
$text = Text::addTo($app, ['here goes some text']);
You can define multiple paragraphs with text like this:
$text = Text::addTo($app)
->addParagraph('First Paragraph')
->addParagraph('Second Paragraph');
By default Text will escape HTML so this won't render as a bold text:
$text = Text::addTo($app, ['here goes <b>some bold text</b>']);
:::{warning} If you are using Text for output HTML then you are doing it wrong. You should use a generic View and specify your HTML as a template. :::
When you use paragraphs, escaping is performed by default too:
$text = Text::addTo($app)
->addParagraph('No alerts')
Text is usable in generic components, where you want to leave possibility of text injection. For instance,
uses text allowing you to add few paragraphs of text:
$message = Message::addTo($app, ['Message Title']);
$message->text->addParagraph('First para');
$message->text->addParagraph('Second para');
Text may not have embedded elements, although that may change in the future.