ceph-detect-init is a command line tool that displays a normalized string describing the init system of the host on which it is running:
Home page : https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ceph-detect-init
- Get the code : git clone https://git.ceph.com/ceph.git
- Run the unit tests : tox
- Run the integration tests (requires docker) : tox -e integration
- Check the documentation : rst2html < README.rst > /tmp/a.html
- Prepare a new version
- version=1.0.0 ; perl -pi -e "s/^version.*/version='$version',/" setup.py ; do python setup.py sdist ; amend=$(git log -1 --oneline | grep --quiet "version $version" && echo --amend) ; git commit $amend -m "version $version" setup.py ; git tag -a -f -m "version $version" $version ; done
- Publish a new version
- python setup.py sdist upload --sign
- git push ; git push --tags
- pypi maintenance
- python setup.py register # if the project does not yet exist
- trim old versions at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ceph-detect-init