.NET Package for kutt.it url shortener
Simply add KuttSharp
nuget package to your project
First create a new instance of KuttApi
then use examples below:
var api = new KuttApi("apiKey");
var submitedItem = await api.SubmitAsync(
target: "https://example.com",
customUrl: "customUrl",
password: "password",
reuse: true
// Now you can use properties of created item
if (submitedItem.IsPasswordRequired)
await api.DeleteAsync(id: "url_id");
var list = await api.GetUrlsAsync();
Console.WriteLine($"First item visits count: {list[0].Visits}");
var stats = await api.GetStatsAsync(id: "url_id");
var api = new KuttApi("apiKey");
var result = await api.SubmitAsync("https://example.com", reuse: true);
catch (KuttException kex) when (kex.Message == "No id has been provided.")
// Handle custom kutt exception
catch (KuttException)
// Handle all other kutt exceptions
// Handle other errors