This usermod allows the control of WiZ lights that are in the same network as the WLED controller.
The mod takes the colors from the first few pixels and sends them to the lights.
- Interval (ms)
- How frequently to update the WiZ lights, in milliseconds.
- Setting too low may causse ESP to become unresponsive.
- Send Delay (ms)
- An optional millisecond delay after updating each WiZ light.
- Can help smooth out effects when using a larger number of WiZ lights
- Use Enhanced White
- Enables using the WiZ lights onboard white LEDs instead of sending maximum RGB values.
- Tunable with warm and cool LEDs as supported by WiZ bulbs
- Note: Only sent when max RGB value is set, need to have automatic brightness limiter disabled
- ToDo: Have better logic for white value mixing to better take advantage of the lights capabilities
- Always Force Update
- Can be enabled to always send update message to light, even when color matches what was previously sent.
- Force update every x minutes
- Configuration option to allow adjusting the default force update timeout of 5 minutes.
- Setting to 0 has the same impact as enabling Always Force Update
Then enter the IPs for the lights to be controlled, in order. There is currently a limit of 15 devices that can be controled, but that number can be easily changed by updating MAX_WIZ_LIGHTS.
If you use these lights and python, make sure to check out the pywizlight project. I learned how to format the messages to control the lights from that project.