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NoisePage Developer Docs

Table of Contents

New Students

Hi! Welcome to CMU DB.

  1. Ask Andy to add you to the noisepage-dev mailing list. This will also subscribe you to the db-seminar mailing list for CMU-DB events.
  2. Ask Andy to add you to the CMU-DB Slack channel. Make sure you join these channels:
    • #general -- Post all development-related questions here.
    • #random -- Random DB / CS / CMU stuff.
  3. If you need access to testing or development machines, ask on Slack in #dev-machines. Check the pinned message in #dev-machines for more details.
  4. (COVID19) If you would like a seat in the ninth floor lab (GHC 9022), please email Jessica Packer (CC Andy) to get a key. Important: Please make sure to return the key before you leave CMU.
  5. (COVID19) Due to COVID19, we no longer meet on campus. Instead, we hang out on Zoom; just join the links in #random. The Zoom lab isn't just for doing work - feel free to cook, do other work, or live-stream your pets walking around.
  6. Please follow the instructions in Getting Started below.

Getting Started

System setup

  1. GitHub We use GitHub for all our development.

    • Account Sign up for a GitHub account.
    • Fork Visit the NoisePage repository. Click the Fork button in the top right and fork the repository. You should be able to see the forked repository at
    • SSH key You should add a SSH key to your GitHub account.
  2. OS Make sure you are running Ubuntu 20.04 or macOS 10.14+. If not, the recommended approach is to dual boot or to use a VM.

  3. IDE We officially only support CLion.

    • You can download CLion for free with the generous Jetbrains educational license.
    • More setup instructions are available here. This includes general CMake build flags.
  4. Packages This is covered in the CLion setup, but as a reminder:

    • The default CLion cloned repository location is ~/CLionProjects/noisepage.
    • Go to the folder: cd ~/CLionProjects/noisepage/script/installation
    • Install all the necessary packages: sudo bash ./
  5. macOS If you are on a Mac, you should add this to your ~/.zshrc:

    export PATH="/usr/local/opt/llvm@8/bin:$PATH"
    export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/opt/libpqxx/lib/
    export CC=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm@8/8.0.1_3/bin/clang
    export CXX=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm@8/8.0.1_3/bin/clang++
    export LLVM_DIR=/usr/local/Cellar/llvm@8/8.0.1_3
    export ASAN_OPTIONS=detect_container_overflow=0

    This configuration should be sufficient to successfully build NoisePage from the commandline. If you experience issues with this configuration, or while attempting to build NoisePage from within CLion, see the OSX section of the troubleshooting page for potential remedies.

Further reading

You should learn a little about the following:

  1. CLion
  2. git
  3. C++ and how we use it


CMake flags to know

  • We try our best to list all available options in CMakeLists.txt. Search for # HEADER CMake options and global variables.
  • CMake options, specify with -DNOISEPAGE_{option}=On.
    • NOISEPAGE_BUILD_BENCHMARKS : Enable building benchmarks as part of the ALL target. Default ON.
    • NOISEPAGE_BUILD_TESTS : Enable building tests as part of the ALL target. Default ON.
    • NOISEPAGE_GENERATE_COVERAGE : Enable C++ code coverage. Default OFF.
    • NOISEPAGE_UNITTEST_OUTPUT_ON_FAILURE : Enable verbose unittest failures. Default OFF. Can be very verbose.
    • NOISEPAGE_UNITY_BUILD : Enable unity (aka jumbo) builds. Default OFF.
    • NOISEPAGE_USE_ASAN : Enable ASAN, a fast memory error detector. Default OFF.
    • NOISEPAGE_USE_JEMALLOC : Link with jemalloc instead of system malloc. Default OFF.
    • NOISEPAGE_USE_JUMBOTESTS : Enable jumbotests instead of unittests as part of ALL target. Default OFF.
    • NOISEPAGE_USE_LOGGING : Enable logging. Default ON.

CMake targets to know

  • You should know these targets.
    • noisepage: Building will build the noisepage binary and all its dependencies. Running will run the NoisePage DBMS.
    • tpl: Building will build the tpl binary and all its dependencies. Running will run a tpl interpreter.
    • unittest: Building will build all of our tests, execute all of the tests, and summarize the results.
    • runbenchmark: Building will build all of our benchmarks, execute all of the benchmarks, and summarize the results.
    • format: Building will run the formatter clang-format on the codebase with our rules. Use this every time right before you commit and right before you make a pull request!
    • check-format: Building will check if the codebase is correctly formatted according to clang-format with our rules.
    • check-clang-tidy: Building will check if the codebase passes the clang-tidy static analyzer tests with our rules.
    • check-lint: Building will check if the codebase passes the build-support/ checks.
    • check-censored: Building will check if the codebase contains any bad words. This is a grep for forbidden words like shared_ptr.
    • check-tpl: Building will check if the TPL tests in sample_tpl/ all pass.

If you run into issues, you may need your default python to point to a python3 install. For example, add this to your ~/.zshrc: alias python=python3



  1. Check out the latest version of the NoisePage repository.
    • git checkout master
    • git pull upstream master
  2. Create a new branch.
    • git checkout -b my_new_branch
  3. Work on your code. Add features, add documentation, add tests, add remove bugs, and so on.
  4. Push your code to your fork, not to cmu-db.
    • If you followed the CLion setup instructions, git remote get-url origin should return your fork's URL.
    • Make sure you run tests locally! See below.
    • git push -u origin my_new_branch
  5. Go to GitHub and open a new pull request.
  6. When a pull request is opened, this triggers our Continuous Integration environment on Jenkins.
    • Jenkins will clone the repo, apply your changes, and make sure that formatting, linting, tests, etc pass.
    • Code has to pass all the checks for it to be merged!
  7. When your pull request passes all of the checks, post on Slack in #pr-czar.

Running tests locally


You can run the unittest or jumbotests suite, they are equivalent. Inside your build folder, after running the build system generator:

  • ninja unittest: Compile and run each individual test in the test/ folder.
  • ninja jumbotests: Like unittest, but tests are grouped by test/foo/ folders. Faster to compile.

If you are running individual tests manually from the command line, you should do so with

ctest -L TEST_NAME

The ctest runner calls build-support/, which handles setting up other environment variables for you.

You can also run the test binaries manually, but you will need to set the environment variables yourself. Right now, the variables that should be set are:

  • LSAN_OPTIONS=suppressions=/absolute/path/to/noisepage/build-support/data/lsan_suppressions.txt

junit tests

TODO(WAN): write this. possibly after updating the junit thing to make it a little easier for people to pick up.