Coursera Clone S.H.E.L.P (Sharing and helping E-Learning Platform) It is a fully responsive Coursera Clone made using React.js as Frontend and Node.js as backend. Features Student Proper Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts) Homepage with courses being fetched categorically Recommended Courses based on user's preferences Rating of Courses Bookmarked Courses where users can remove or add bookmark Download resourses (pdf - notes) Responsive React Video player for videos Progress bar CoursePage with all the content of the course Teacher Proper Authentication system with signup,login,otp verification,resend otp,forgot password (fully validated with bootstrap alerts) Fully validated teacher uploading form with descriptition,title,Image and other details CkEditor for writing in textbox with abilities to add diffrent headings,paragraphs,bold,italics,link,tables,sizes etc Teacher can upload upto 5 videos with upload bar to show progress Teacher can see their uploaded courses Teacher can delete their course Teacher can edit their course Screenshots Authentication pages Signup Page Login Page Otp and Resend Otp Page Forgot Password Page Main Screens Homepage Course Page Preference Page Teacher's Courses Teacher Uploading Details Teacher Uploading Videos Responsive Designs Mobile Design Authentication Mobile Design CoursePage