To those upgrading from SublimeLinter v1.7:
Please read the installation documentation!
A framework for interactive code linting in the Sublime Text 3 editor. The Sublime Text 2 version is no longer being supported; you can find it here.
Documentation: See it on
Support: Please use the SublimeLinter google group.
Bugs: Please use the SublimeLinter google group to report installation and configuration problems. If you think you have found a bug, please ask about it on the SublimeLinter google group first, and after it is confirmed as a bug you can report it on the issue tracker. Please be sure to put your OS and SublimeLinter version in issue.
Contributing: If you would like to submit a fix or enhancement for SublimeLinter, please read the contributing guidelines first.
Hundreds of hours have been spent writing and documenting SublimeLinter to make it the best it can be — easy to use, easy to configure, easy to update, easy to extend. If you use SublimeLinter and feel it is making your coding life better and easier, please consider making a donation to help fund development and support. Thank you!
Please see the documentation on creating linter plugins for more information.