A list of improvements and new features to be added. Feel free to submit your own.
Improvements that can be made to all project templates.
- Make use of Object Pooling code. Add note about using Object Pooling in ReadMe.html.
- Add Google Structured Data.
- Keep eye on HTTP Status Codes for codes I am not covering correctly.
- Which HTTP handlers to remove link.
- Update to Font Awesome 4.3.0 when they fix the .less files.
A new project template in addition to the existing ASP.NET MVC 5 template, targeting ASP.NET MVC 6.
- Add Mocha JavaScript unit testing.
- Add autoprefixer support for CSS.
- Test 404 Not Found error page when navigating to /this-resource-does-not-exist. See this.
- Build a HttpException for MVC 6. See here.
- Create new tag helper versions of Open Graph and Twitter code.
Implement localization. See GitHub and StackOverflow
// services.AddMvcLocalization();
// application.UseCultureReplacer(); // application.UseRequestLocalization(); </pre> </li> <li> Implement CORS. <pre> // services.ConfigureCors( // corsOptions => // { // // TODO // }); </pre> </li> <li> Implement formatters. // TODO: Add the BSON input and output formatters. </li> <li> Consider adding an exception filter while there is no Elmah support. <pre> public class AppExceptionFilterAttribute : ExceptionFilterAttribute { private readonly ILogger _logger; public AppExceptionFilterAttribute(ILoggerFactory loggerfactory) { _logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger<AppExceptionFilterAttribute>(); } public override void OnException(ExceptionContext context) { logger.WriteError(2, "Error Occurred", context.Exception); context.Result = new JsonResult( new { context.Exception.Message, context.Exception.StackTrace }); } } //Register your filter as a service (Note this filter need not be an attribute as such) services.AddTransient<AppExceptionFilterAttribute>(); services.Configure<MvcOptions>(options => { options.Filters.Add(new AppExceptionFilterAttribute()); }); //On the controller/action where you want to apply this filter, //decorate them like [ServiceFilter(typeof(AppExceptionFilterAttribute))] public class HomeController : Controller { //.... } </pre> </li>
Wait for Microsoft to finish MVC 6 before adding:
- Sign Boilerplate.Web.Mvc6 with "keyFile": "../../Key.snk"
- CacheProfile.VaryByParam in Startup.CacheProfiles.cs
- System.ServiceModel.SyndicationFeed. See GitHub
- Change Boilerplate.Web.Mvc5 to use an ASP.NET 5 class library project.
Wait for third party libraries to support MVC 6:
- NWebSec
- Elmah
- Glimpse
Contributions to ASP.NET 5 MVC 6 I am making to make it better.
A Web API Controller for ASP.NET MVC 6.
Implement Web API
// Lets you pass a format parameter into the query string to set the response type e.g. ?format=json [FormatFilter] public class WebApiController : Controller { }
// Add Web API to the request pipeline. ConfigureApi(application); using Microsoft.AspNet.Builder; using Microsoft.AspNet.Hosting; public partial class Startup { private const string ApiPath = "/api"; /// <summary> /// Adds Web API to the request pipeline. /// </summary> /// <param name="application">The application.</param> private static void ConfigureApi(IApplicationBuilder application) { // A Web API does not need all of the features of MVC like custom error pages, CSP, Canonical URL, etc. // The Map method allows us to create a new clean application under the ApiPath without all of the above // features. Anyone navigating to /api will skip the MVC request pipeline and come straight here. application.Map( ApiPath, app => { app.UseMvc(); }); } } // Force 204 No Content response, when returning null values. // mvcOptions.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, new HttpNoContentOutputFormatter()); // Force 406 Not Acceptable responses if the media type is not supported, instead of returning the default. // mvcOptions.OutputFormatters.Insert(0, new HttpNotAcceptableOutputFormatter()); </pre> </li> <li>Add support for application/json-patch+json using the built-in <a href="https://github.com/aspnet/Mvc/issues/1976">stuff</a>.</li> <li>Use <a href="https://github.com/mikekelly/hal_specification/blob/master/hal_specification.md">HAL</a> or <a href="https://github.com/kevinswiber/siren">SIREN</a>. See also <a href="http://phlyrestfully.readthedocs.org/en/latest/halprimer.html">this</a> and <a href="https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/jj883957.aspx">this</a> and <a href="https://github.com/JakeGinnivan/WebApi.Hal">this</a>.</li>
A new project template including the ASP.NET Identity package out of the box.
- ASP.NET Identity Project Template.
- Use a better (slower) encryption algorithm like bcrypt.net, zetetic.security, scrypt (See this for more information.