C# NET Core MVC Web UI for CRUD actions on a simple collection of objects
MULE is just a simple Web UI that wraps up Create, Read, Update and Delete actions on an SQLite database.
Have you ever had a conversation that goes like this?
"Well, in an ideal world, with magic and unicorns, we'd have a cool web portal where people could log in and update which servers they were using and what version of the software they were running! Until then, I guess we'll all just put post-it notes everywhere and track everything on this ugly whiteboard."
You can use MULE as a seed app to build your own dashboards. Create your datamodel class as shown below, and the view engine will magically update the GUI for you!
public class AppHost
[Key]//Unique id for object
public string URL { get; set; } = "";
string version = "";
[Required] //Property cannot be null
public string Version { get { return version; } set { version = value ?? ""; } }
[DataType(DataType.MultilineText)] //Input style/formatting hint
public string Description { get; set; } = "";
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)] //Property won't show in edit form
public DateTime Updated { get; private set; } = DateTime.Now;
[HiddenInput(DisplayValue = false)] //Property won't show in edit form
[NotMapped] //Don't store this value in DB, calculate or set in controller
public int RTT { get; set; }
/// Equality Comparer (determines if DB row will be overwritten or created)
public override bool Equals(object obj) => URL == (obj as AppHost)?.URL;
/// Unique key definition (use primary key)
public override int GetHashCode() => URL.GetHashCode();
The unicorns will use EF7 and SQLite to persist your data.
MULE uses C# & .NET Core and should run on:
- Windows 7, 8, 10...
- Linux (Ubuntu 14.04, 16.04, Linux Mint 17+, Debian 8+, Fedore 23+...)
- Mac OS X 10+
- If one of those doesn't work, use Docker!
- Install/Update .NET Core
- Checkout repo
- Open the "muleapp" directory
- run "dotnet restore"
- run "dotnet run"
If you change your datamodel, don't forget to use:
- dotnet ef migrations add "Schema Change"
- dotnet ef database update