Galileo Financial Technologies
- Riobamba, Ecuador
(UTC -05:00) - https://www.bryan-aguilar.com
- baguilar6174
- in/baguilar6174
- https://baguilar6174.medium.com/
- @baguilar6174
react-ts-queue-app Public
Implementation of the queue data structure, using Typescript.
TypeScript UpdatedAug 9, 2023 -
asesori-web-page Public
Repositorio para almacenar el código fuente de la nueva plataforma web de ASESORI
flutter-forms-app Public
This application contains basic exercises and forms management using Bloc and Cubit.
C++ UpdatedJun 20, 2023 -
flutter-movies-app Public
This application uses TheMovieDB API to display, filter, search, add to favorites, view movie details among other functions, this application uses Riverpod as a state manager, and principles of Cle…
flutter-yesNoChat-app Public
This application displays a chat bot that is able to answer your questions with YES or NO.
C++ UpdatedMay 9, 2023 -
wiki-cleancodesolid-app Public
Repository with exercises on fundamentals of software architecture and development using clean code and SOLID principles.
UpdatedMay 2, 2023 -
next-markdown-app Public
This application renders the content of your Markdown files using Next JS 13, Typescript and TailwindCSS.
TypeScript UpdatedApr 30, 2023 -
next-ecommerce-app Public
Simple e-commerce app, the user can view the products, see the details, add them to the shopping cart, see your purchase, history of orders, and other features.
next-openjira-app Public
This application presents a dashboard, where the user can create, update, delete tasks and move them between different status columns (to do, in progress, complete)
TypeScript UpdatedMar 25, 2023 -
flutter-crypto-app Public
This application connects to coincap API to get cryptocurrency changes in real time, this project implements clean architecture for organization and freezed to use functional programming.
nest-taskrr-server Public
This project presents a server with three main entities: user, project and task. In addition, the server works with authentication and roles for the different administration tasks.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 10, 2023 -
react-tanStackQuery-app Public
This project contains the implementation of TanStack Query (React Query) in simple examples where the great potential it has when handling asynchronous requests is shown.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 7, 2023 -
next-pokemon-app Public
This repository contains an application created in Next using Next UI and the Pokemon API.
react-app-template Public
React template project with: Vite, Typescript, ESLint, Prettier, SCSS, Commitlint, Husky, alias paths, Jest & React Testing Library
porfolio-page-challenge Public
This repository contains the source code of a portfolio (Frontend Mentor challenge) created with HTML5, CSS best practices.
HTML UpdatedDec 23, 2022 -
nest-store-server Public
This API Rest presents a product server for an ecommerce with Authentication and Authorization using PostgreSQL database relationships.
TypeScript UpdatedDec 16, 2022 -
react-heroes-app Public
This application is the result of the React: De cero a experto ( Hooks y MERN ) course, it consists of a simple application with basic and advanced React concepts.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 18, 2022 -
bandnames-socket-server Public
Servidor básico de Sockets con Express
JavaScript UpdatedOct 26, 2022 -
angular-videogame-app Public
Este proyecto utiliza los servicios de Rapidapi y la mayor base de datos de videojuegos RAWG para obtener videojuegos, mostrar sus detalles, capturas de pantalla, trailers, plataformas, descripcion…
bandnames-socket-app Public
Aplicación en Flutter con sockets
chat-socket-server Public
Servidor para autenticación, manejo de sockets para comunicación en tiempo real y gestión de datos con mongo
JavaScript UpdatedSep 23, 2022 -
salary-console-app Public
This repository contains a console application of a programming logic exercise.
JavaScript UpdatedSep 23, 2022 -
angular-testing-app Public
Este repositorio contien pruebas unitarias sobre un componente de login y un servicio se autenticación usando Jasmine y Karma
TypeScript UpdatedSep 23, 2022 -
easybank-page-challenge Public
Este repositorio contiene el código fuente de una landing page (desafio de Frontend Mentor) creada con las mejores prácticas de HTML5, SCSS, JS
SCSS UpdatedSep 23, 2022 -
JavaScript Updated
Sep 23, 2022 -
react-hooks-practice Public
This repo contains examples of react hooks
JavaScript UpdatedSep 12, 2022 -
react-gif-app Public
Repositorio que almacena una aplicación para obtener gifs en base a una búsqueda con la api de Giphy
JavaScript UpdatedJul 28, 2022 -
spotify-angular-app Public
Este repositorio contiene el código fuente de un clon básico de Spotify hecho con el framework Angular
TypeScript UpdatedOct 18, 2021