* Changed addAlert to addRecord for Test error (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/98) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Send context data top Sentry as Custom Data (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/97) thanks to https://github.com/oneserv-heuser
* Update addRecord function for Monolog 2.7+ (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/92) thanks to https://github.com/torhoehn
* Added sentry_before_init event to GlobalExceptionCatcher (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/90) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Fix problems with logout during product edit in admin panel when Chrome DevTools is open (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/86) thanks to https://github.com/trungpq2711
Breaking: New version (2.0.0+) for Monolog will be required.
* Fixed PHP 8.1 support with monolog 2.0.0+ (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/85) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Updated constraints for monolog versions lower than 2.0.0
* Add option to filter the severity of ErrorExceptions being sent to Sentry
* Add option to ignore specific Exception classes
* Fixed capital in dataHelper (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/74) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Add option to strip static content version and store code from urls that get sent to Sentry (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/73) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Fix monolog plugin still adding monolog as argument
* Merged PR - Use isset to check for custom_tags in context (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/71) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
* Merged PR - Remove monolog class in function, add custom tag functionality (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/66) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
This is a breaking change on SentryLog::send(), the function required monolog before, this has been removed
* Merged PR - Add csp_whitelist.xml (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/65) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
* Merged PR - Update Sentry version (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/64) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
* Merged PR - Adding environment to js integration (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/62) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
* Merged PR - Add option to enable or disable Php error tracking (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/59) thanks to https://github.com/t9toqwerty
* Merged PR - Added version tagging to JavaScript (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/54) thanks to https://github.com/JKetelaar
* Added LogRocket support
* Better feedback if configuration prevents the module from running
* Merged PR - Release version should be string (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/49) thanks to https://github.com/DominicWatts
* Merged PR - Change behavior to check of script tag can be used (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/48) thanks to https://github.com/adamj88
* Updated changelog format to folow more closely to https://keepachangelog.com/
* Merged PR - fix for requirements sdk (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/42) thanks to https://github.com/jupiterhs
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/37) thanks to https://github.com/DominicWatts
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/38) thanks to https://github.com/matthiashamacher
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/33) thanks to https://github.com/DominicWatts
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/35) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/36) thanks to https://github.com/peterjaap
* Refactor of proxy classes in di.xml
* Fixed all PHPcs warnings and errors
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/29) thanks to https://github.com/michielgerritsen
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/26) thanks to https://github.com/JosephMaxwell
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/27) thanks to https://github.com/DominicWatts
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/24) thanks to https://github.com/kyriog
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/22) thanks to https://github.com/fredden
* Merged PR (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/21) thanks to https://github.com/erikhansen
* Reverted async attribute
* Added async and crossorigin attribute to script tags
* Merged pull request avoiding magento crash (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/19)
* Fixed issues useing referenceBlock when adding scripts (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/issues/18)
* Added missing files of PR 13 (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/16)
* Added Sentry script tag to catch javascript errors (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/13)
* Support for setting environment (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/pull/12)
* Send extra parameters to sentry (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/issues/11)
* Added Magento 2.3.x support & dropped 2.1.x support
* Fixed area code not set or already set
* Bugfix with area code already set - removed area code from constructor with causes problems at random cases. (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/issues/10)
* Removed info level - this log level is not useable in sentry.
* Removed plugin in di.xml to prevent fatal crash on storefrontend
* Restored preference in di.xml
* Added user context
* Added message context
* Added extra magento store parameters
* Refactor of overwrite to plugin with monolog
* Refactor of ExceptionCatcher to use same SentryLogger
* Refactor a lot of code
* PSR2 compliance
* Bugfix area code not set
* downgraded requirement monolog for magento 2.1.x
* Feature request to test sentry in development mode (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/issues/4)
* Added mage deploy mode to sentry in context_tags
* Feature request for sending test events (https://github.com/justbetter/magento2-sentry/issues/3)
* Added ACL roles for editing sentry config
* Bugfix wrong file commit
* Initial commit module - basic working module