Solr Chef Cookbook; allowing you to install 1.4 or 1.3 easily in /data on a (solo|util) instance. There is no automation with rsolr or sunspot or other various plugins. Once you install it, you must manually configure it.
This Cookbook is for an “Unsupported” Stack item; Engine Yard does not support more then the installation of Solr.
require_recipe “solr” in main/recipes/default.rb
This sets up Solr in /data/solr, and then sets up /engineyard/bin/solr and a monitrc file for this solr instance. It doesn’t support multiple instances of Solr, or configuration of the Schema File or anything special like that. It just starts it, and controls it in monit.
Scott M. Likens (damm)
Brian Bommarito (For his Sunspot recipe which without… I might not have given a darn otherwise)