cli client to execute Azure pipelines over REST API with personal acces token authentication. when specified the pipeline run state is being tracked automatically and the result is being updated after every run. Integrates with Azure pipeline parameter specifications.
azp_runs [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --organization <organization> --pipeline_id <pipeline_id> --project <project>
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-w, --watch Watch pipeline status and block untill finished
-o, --organization <organization> Azure DevOps Organization name
-i, --pipeline_id <pipeline_id> Azure Pipeline ID
-p, --project <project> Azure DevOps Project
-t, --template_parameters <template_parameters> Pipeline Template Parameters
# Bash
export AZURE_DEVOPS_EXT_PAT='Azure DevOps personal access token'
cargo run -- --organization "Organization_Name" \
--pipeline_id 999 \
--project "Project_Name" \
--template_parameters "{\"param1\": \"value1\", \"param2\": \"value2\"}" \