Quality Maven Module contains various unit and integration http endpoint tests:
- jersey unit tests
- blackbox tests run against actual EmoDB / C* processes started by mvn using emodb-sdk.
- emodb client tests run against actual EmoDB / C* processes started by mvn using emodb-sdk.
- postman endpoint tests
mvn clean verify -Ddependency-check.skip=true
To spin up emodb-web infrastructure locally and run client integration tests
mvn clean verify -Dintegration.suiteXmlFile=src/test/resources/client-testng.xml -Ddependency-check.skip=true
To run client integration tests against existing emodb-web infrastructure
mvn clean verify -P!'start-emodb' -Dintegration.suiteXmlFile=src/test/resources/client-testng.xml -DapiKey=<apiKey> -DclusterName=<clusterName> -DzkConnection=<zkConnection> -DzkNamespace=<zkNamespace> -Dplacement=<placement> -DremotePlacement=<remotePlacement> -DmediaPlacement=<mediaPlacement> Ddependency-check.skip=true