A simple and lightweight web-proxy site built to be easy to use and modify for everyone.
Initial Release Date: 05/11/2020.
This web-app, measuring about 15 MB, is designed to be as light on server storage as possible.
This allows your site to have a proxy already equipped when you deploy it so you can quickly get to circumventing censorship!
This site includes several games out of the box.
You need to fork this repository; Please do not just deploy it directly to Heroku.
You want to have Cloudflare or a similar DNS provider on your domain.
Node Unblocker setup:
Configure a Node Unblocker server, by following the instructions found at https://github.com/nfriedly/nodeunblocker.com
Attach the IP/CNAME of the Node Unblocker server to your site's domain, with the subdomain "node".
Done, you now have a local Node server.
Please add your own Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
Please edit the example portions of this site so you have a complete mirror.
Property of TitaniumNetwork. Users have full permission to duplicate and modify as much/long as their hearts desire, as long as credit is given to TitaniumNetwork.