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Technologies Used

Technology Version Website Description
node 18.x.x JavaScript Runtime
npm 10.x.x Node Package Manager




Technologies used

Running Tests

  • Run the unit tests

    npm run test
  • Run the unit test coverage report

    npm run coverage
  • Generate new snapshots

    See Snapshot Tests for details

    npm run update-snapshots

Writing Tests

Any files that match /src/**/*.@(test|spec).ts will be considered tests.

Unit Tests

Tests that assert a function, given some input, returns an expected output.

Note: These only apply if the function in question has NO react concepts (it is a pure function). If a function contains react conceps (state, hooks, etc) it will need to be tested in a Dom Tests style, which has mechanisms to account for the rendering lifecycle, etc.

Useful Documentation

React Tests

Tests that simulate the user experience, and make assertions about the state of the page and related variables.

Useful Documentation

Relevant Sample Projects

Snapshot Tests

Note: Snapshot tests are not useful in all situations, and should really only be used for components that are stable and unlikely to change much. For example: asserting the content of a footer bar.

Snapshot tests are a special kind of jest test that asserts that a previously saved copy of the rendered component matches the current version of the rendered component.

These tests assert that the rendered UI of the component is correct, under whatever pre-conditions are set up in the test.

These tests are run just like any other tests, but have 1 additional pre-requisite, which is generating the initial snapshot of the component. See Running Tests.

The snapshot files produced should be saved in the repo.

Nice To Know

Environment Variables

  • With the exception of NODE_ENV, any environment variable that needs to be accessible by the react app (via process.env.<var>) must be prefixed with REACT_APP_. If it is not prefixed, react will not read it, and it will be undefined when you try to access it.


Troubleshooting and Known Issues

react version

There appears to be an issue between RJSF and react version 17+ that causes some of the RJSF form behaviour to work incorrectly. A result of some change to how events are bubbled up, introduced in react 17.x.

typescript version

There is a known issue between typescript 4.x and eslint that can result in the following error when running the linter, via: npm run lint

The simplest solution for now is to keep typescript at the latest 3.x version.

0:0 error Parsing error: Cannot read property 'map' of undefined