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End 2 End Tests for

This directory contains the setup for e2e tests on tooling.


This is a stub we have hard-coded which would <script src> all generated assets. The URLs are given w.r.t wp-content/plugins/<slug>/dist, because webpack-dev-server is configured in such a way.

Running Tests

First we need to start a static website server. This is done with serve.

yarn serve

Now open another terminal and start hot server.

yarn start

Once it starts rolling, we would use cypress to run all e2e tests on browsers.

yarn cypress:open

Run only the serve/app.spec.js when the server is running.

Once it is complete, we would check for build (production) files.

yarn build
yarn archive
yarn test

This will build production files and will use jest to check for files which were created during the process.

yarn cypress:runprod


Run build/prod.spec.js to run e2e tests against the production build.


We use travis CI and the following sequence of commands take care of e2e testing.

  - yarn
  - yarn serve &>/dev/null &
  - yarn wait-for-test-server
  - yarn start &>/dev/null &
  - yarn wait-for-wpackio-server
  - yarn cypress:runapp
  - yarn build
  - yarn cypress:runprod
  - yarn test

We use the public version of cypress dashboard, which can be found here.

Why on OSX?

Due to some reason, the webpack watch doesn't work when we change the file content with node fs.writeFileSync. This is limited to travis-ci ubuntu only (I guess). But I've found when using osx as os, it works just fine.