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Nvblox Foxglove

Nvblox Foxglove provides tools to visualize nvblox ROS messages in Foxglove Studio.


This extension uses the npm package manager to install dependencies and run build scripts. All npm commands have to be run from the nvblox_foxglove folder.

This extension is known to work with node versions v10.2.3 and v20.10.0. Other (particularly older) versions fail during the installation steps. To update node run, we recommend using nvm, to upgrade node.

curl | bash
nvm install 20.10.0
nvm use 20.10.0

To install extension dependencies, run:

npm install

To build and install the extension into your local Foxglove Studio desktop app, run:

npm run local-install

To test the extensions open the Foxglove Studio desktop (or ctrl-R to refresh if it is already open). Your extension is installed and available within the app. You can open Foxglove Studio from a terminal with the command foxglove-studio.


If you want to view debugging messages printed by console.log(...) from the extension make sure to run export ELECTRON_ENABLE_LOGGING=1 in the terminal where you open Foxglove Studio.


Extensions are packaged into .foxe files. These files contain the metadata (package.json) and the build code for the extension.

The following command will package the extension into a .foxe file in the local directory.

npm run package


You can publish the extension for the public marketplace or privately for your organization.

See documentation here: