Hugo is a fantastic button remote availble on Tindie that uses an ESP8266, Arduino compatibale firmware, a Battery and 4 buttons (which offers 7 button combinations). You can print your own cases, upload your own firmware, you can even solder an IR transmitter to it and use it as a real remote - and other hardware mods. I use my device to control my blinds. I'm going to detail how to integrate your Hugo device into Hubitat. One of the best features of this is that when you drop and the case breaks, you can just print another one.
- Create a new Virtual Button within Hubitat -> Devices. Call it Hugo (or
Hugo1 if you have more than one)
- Install the Hubitat (if not already installed) Maker API Built-In app. Add your new Hugo device to Maker API.
- Use the Get All Devices link within Maker API Hubitat App to get the info for all devices. Copy this URL; it should look similar to this: http://192.168.1.xx/apps/api/8/devices?access_token=xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx
- Look through the list to determine the Device ID of your Hugo device you created above. For my example, it will be device # 1825
- Use the URL above to create your Button URL's. Replace 1825 with your Hugo device number and the # sign with your button (1-7). http://192.168.1.xx/apps/api/8/devices/1825/#?access_token=xxxx-xxx-xxx-xxxxxx (HINT: if you leave off the button number, you will see the capabilities of the device - this is a good way to determine if you have the right URL).
- Go into Hubitat Apps -> Rule Machine -> Create New -> Name it "Button - Hugo 1" or whatever you wish. Select Trigger Events -> Button Device -> Select you virtual Hugo Device you created in step 1 above.
- Select Pre-fill all button actions with "pushed". Then go through each button and map it to what command you wish to run.
- Verify using the URL's in step 5 above, to make sure your buttons do what you want.
- Once you're happy, follow the Hugo instructions to add each URL from above, adjusting the number from 1 to 7.