Thanks so much for your interest in TOCropViewController
! It makes me incredibly happy to hear that others have not just found it useful, but are eager to help contribute to it.
That being said, I feel I need to make it very clear that as this is something I built in my free time and am freely offering online, I hope you can appreciate that I cannot make any guarantees to its support or continued development. To this end, I would very much appreciate your understanding and help in maintaining this project.
I absolutely love and welcome all pull requests! I don't have any strict guidelines or requirements for the formatting of pull requests, just that you properly describe what the pull request fixes/adds in its description field.
While not necessary, if you're intending to write an incredibly large pull request that modifies a lot of the architecture of this library, I would appreciate it if you got in touch with me beforehand, just to make sure we're in sync on the matter, and you don't end up wasting your time. :)
I hate receiving bug reports, but I still appreciate getting them. ;)
If you see a bug and wish to file a GitHub issue for it, please ensure to include the device and OS version you were using, and as much information as you can on how to reproduce this issue.
Given my time and priorities, I can't guarantee I can address all bugs in a timely manner. If it's a bug you feel you could easily address, I would greatly appreciate it if you could file a pull request fixing it instead.
I usually build these sorts of projects to my own requirements and then leave them at that point. If there are any more outstanding tasks I plan to add, I'll list them in the README file.
I apologize if the project doesn't include a feature that you'd like, but sadly I do not have the time to add additional features for third party developers. If you feel you're up to the task, I encourage you to build it yourself and then file a pull request instead.
Sadly, I'm much too time-constrained to provide specialized support on a case-by-case basis. If you're stuck, I recommend looking at the sample code for this project, and reading the header files for the capabilities of this project.
I would much prefer that you don't ask for specialized help, but if you do, I'll try and help, within reason to the best of my abilities.
Please don't spam me to try and get my attention.