Dwarf Fortress provisioned via ansible. Tested using the ansible/ubuntu14.04-ansible docker container
Within the directory of this project:
ansible-playbook dwarffortress.yml --connection=local
This installs the dependencies for dwarf fortress, and dwarf fortress itself which can be run using the command:
If you want dwarf fortress to be configured to run in text mode
ansible-playbook textmode.yml --connection=local
This modifies the init.txt configuration file to set PRINT_MODE to TEXT.
When launching dwarf fortress via the dwarffortress command, some settings in init.txt can be modified using command line arguments. For example to skip the intro:
dwarffortress --skip-intro
To see the full list or possible options:
dwarffortress --help
ansible-playbook dfhack.yml --connection=local
As well as adding DfHack it also modifies the dwarffortress command to execute the dfhack script instead of the usual df.
Currently only Phoebus is included, it can be configured by running:
ansible-playbook tileset-phoebus.yml --connection=local
If you configure a tile set, but have already saved games that were using a previous one, then the raw directory should be updated within those saved games. The first time you run dwarffortress after changing tile set you can pass an option to update the saved games:
dwarffortress --update-saves
For whatever reason (running in a docker container?) you might not want to control Dwarf Fortress on the host directly, but instead access from another machine. This is why you can provision noVNC so that DF can be accessed from another computer via the browser.
ansible-playbook novnc.yml --connection=local
You can point your browser to http://localhost:6080/vnc.html and click connect (there is no password). Remember when running DF to set the DISPLAY:
DISPLAY=:1 dwarffortress
Tested with ansible 1.8.2.
- Update existing saved games when the tile set changes.
- Add some more tile sets.
- Create a tutorial version, which adds a saved game that can be used to follow an online tutorial.
- Allow for more stuff to be configured, for example which DISPLAY to use when using noVNC.
- Obviously Toady One at http://www.bay12games.com for Dwarf Fortress.
- All the guys that maintain the Dwarf Fortress wiki (http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/DF2012:Installation)
- Chris Collins who's project inspired me to use noVNC (https://github.com/DockerDemos/DwarfFortressServer) and what I used to get started.