Carigali Hess Operating Company
- @bengsoon
- in/bengsoon
fastcore Public
Forked from AnswerDotAI/fastcorePython supercharged for the fastai library
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 29, 2021 -
model-zoo Public
Forked from FluxML/model-zooPlease do not feed the models
Julia Other UpdatedOct 10, 2021 -
Levenshtein Calculations from Scratch (used as an 'edit distance' in fuzzy string matching operations)
dedupe-clustering-experiments Public
Forked from vintasoftware/dedupe-clustering-experimentsExperimenting new types of clustering algorithms for Dedupe library
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedAug 23, 2021 -
machine_failure Public
Forked from shadgriffin/machine_failureJupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 23, 2021 -
predictive-maintenance Public
Forked from Samimust/predictive-maintenanceData Wrangling, EDA, Feature Engineering, Model Selection, Regression, Binary and Multi-class Classification (Python, scikit-learn)
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 23, 2021 -
google-research Public
Forked from google-research/google-researchGoogle Research
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 16, 2021 -
fastbook Public
Forked from fastai/fastbookThe fastai book, published as Jupyter Notebooks
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedMay 30, 2021 -
streamlit-example Public
Forked from streamlit/streamlit-exampleExample Streamlit app that you can fork to test out share.streamlit.io
Python UpdatedApr 24, 2021 -
SGD_scratch Public
- Exercise based on the Lesson 2 of fastai v1 DL course that explains the Stochastic Gradient Descent optimization method, which is commonly used in neural networks.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 16, 2021 -
Machine-Learning-Competition-2020 Public
Forked from pddasig/Machine-Learning-Competition-2020SPWLA PDDA’s 1st Petrophysical Data-Driven Analytics Contest -- Sonic Log Synthesis
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 27, 2020